Arza Brown

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Arza Brown [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister was born at Hampton, Massachusetts, August 13, 1792. He was early subject to religious impressions; experienced conversion in 1817; soon became class leader, exhorter, and local preacher; moved to Ohio in 1819, and in 1824 was received into the Ohio Conference. His itinerant labors covered a large territory, extending over nearly all of Ohio and southern Michigan. Failing health obliged him to become superannuate in 1855, which relation he sustained to the close of his life. In 1858 he removed to Chicago, and served West Indiana-street Church with great usefulness for three years. Beginning with 1861, he and his wife labored among the soldiers in the camps and hospitals at Natchez; after that, until. 1868s among the freedmen in that city, as well as in Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. He died at Chicago, July 31, 1869. Mr. Brown was eminently practical and useful, gentle and affectionate. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1869, page 281.
