Arnold Of Leyden

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Arnold Of Leyden [1]

(also called Amold de Tongres), a Flemish theologian, studied theology at Cologne, and attached himself to Evrard, bishop of Liege. He afterwards took the direction of the Laurentine Gymnasium of Cologne, and became canon of the-metropolitan chapter of the same place.. He was a lively opponent of John Reuchlin.. Arnold died in 1466. He wrote, Articulorum seu Propositionum XLIII male Sonantium ex Libello Johannis Capnionis sive Reuchlini cut Titulus. Tractatus Propositionunm Alphabeticarum contra Judceos et Blaspliemum eorum Talmud (Cologne, 1512):-a Comr mentary on Juvenal, in MS. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
