Antonio Naldi

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Antonio Naldi [1]

an Italian theologian, was born at Faenza towards the close of the 16th century. He was of a noble family, and had embraced religious life among the Thdatins, and was distinguished for his learning and piety. He died at Rome in 1645. We have of his works, Questiones practicae inforo interiori usu frequentes (Bologne, 1610, 1624, 1646, 4to): Resolutiones practicae casuum conscientiae, in quibus praecipue dejustitia contractus livelli vulgo nuncupati, et de cambiis agitur (Brescia, 1621, 4to): Adnotationes ad varia juris pontificii loca (Rome, 1632, fol.; Lyons, 1671, fol.; and in the Corpus juris canonici, Lyons, 1661, 2 volumes, 4to): Summa theologiae mnoralis (Brescia, 1623; Bologne, 1625). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Mittarelli, De Litteratura Faventina, page 124.
