Anton Ruland

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Anton Ruland [1]

a German doctor of theology and Roman Catholic divine, was born at W rzburg in 1809, where he also received holy orders in 1832. Having labored for some time at Kitzingen, he was called in 1836 as librarian of the W rzburg University, but in 1837 he was appointed pastor of Arnstein. For thirteen years he labored in this place, when, in 1850, he was recalled to W rzburg as first librarian. From 1848 till his death, which took place January 8, 1874, he was a member of the Bavarian House of Representatives. He wrote: Practischer Unterricht zum erstmaligen Empfang der heiligen Communion (2d ed. W rzburg, 1866). See the Literarischer Handweiser, 1872, p. 161; 1874, p. 48. (B.P.)
