Anton Friedrich Ludwig Pelt
Anton Friedrich Ludwig Pelt [1]
a German theologian, was born at Regensburg June 28, 1799, and was educated first at Btickeburg and Altona, and then at the universities in Jena. Kiel, and Berlin. At the last named high school he became "Privatdocent" in 1826, in 1829 was made extraordinary professor at Greifswalde, and in 1835 regular professor at Kiel. After the subjugation of Schleswick-Holstein by the Danes, Pelt was dismissed, and he was made university professor at Greifswalde, and given the living of Kemnitz, near by. He died in 1861. His principal work is Theologische CEncyklopadie als System in Zusammenhanrge mnit der Geschichte der theol. Wissenschaft u. uhrer einzelnen Zweige (Hamb. and Gotha, 1843). Besides, he published, Conmentar zu den Thessalonischen Briefen (1829): — Der Kanmpf Clas dem Glauben (1837), a reply to Strauss; and, with Rheinwald, Homiliarium patristicunt (Berl. 1829, 4 Nos.), which, unfortunately, was never completed. He also founded in Kiel in 1838 the periodical Mitarbeiten.