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Easton's Bible Dictionary [1]

  • A "faithful martyr" ( Revelation 2:13 ), of whom nothing more is certainly known.

    Copyright Statement These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., DD Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain.

    Bibliography Information Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Antipas'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 1897.

  • Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

    A martyr faithful unto death at PergamosRevelation 2:13). "I know ... where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is" (the idol AEsculapius was worshipped there under the serpent form); "and thou holdest fast My name, and hast not denied My faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth." Satan, the old serpent, instigated the idol's devotees, through the magistrates at Pergamos, to slay Antipas. Compare  Revelation 2:10;  Revelation 12:1-17.

    Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]

    ANTIPAS . 1 . See Herod, No. 3 . 2. A martyr of the church of Pergamum, mentioned only in   Revelation 2:13 , unless some credit is to be given to the late accounts of his martyrdom. According to these, he was roasted to death in a brazen bowl in the days of Domitian. Cures of toothache were believed to be accomplished at his tomb.

    Shailer Mathews.

    Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

     Luke 3:1 Matthew 14:3 Luke 23:11Herod

    2. According to tradition, the martyr of the church of Pergamum in  Revelation 2:13 was roasted in a brazen bowl at Domitian's request.

    Smith's Bible Dictionary [5]

    An'tipas. (Like The Father).

    1. Martyr at Pergamos,  Revelation 2:13, and according to tradition, the bishop of that place. (A.D. before 100).

    2. See Herod .

    Morrish Bible Dictionary [6]

    1. A Christian of Pergamos, who was martyred.  Revelation 2:13 .

    2. Son of Herod the Great, but not called Antipas in the N.T. See HEROD.

    American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [7]

    1. See Herod Antipas

    2. A faithful martyr, in Pergamos,  Revelation 2:13 .

    Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [8]

    See Herod.

    Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

    ( Ἀντίπας , for Ἀντίπατρος , Antipater; comp. Josephus, Ant. 14, 1, 3), the name of three men.

    1. A son of Herod the Great by Malthace, a Samaritan (Joseph. Ant. 17, 1, 3; War, 1, 28, 4). He inherited of his father's dominions only Galilee and Peraea (B.C. 5), as tetrarch (q.v.), with a yearly income of 200 talents (Joseph. Ant. 17, 8, 1; 11, 4); Jesus was thus within his territorial jurisdiction ( Luke 23:7). He first married the daughter of the Arabian king Aretas, but afterward became enamored with Herodias, his half- brother Philip's wife, and contracted a clandestine marriage with her, on which account the Arabian princess indignantly returned to her father (Joseph. Ant. 1 8, 5 1). Herodias inveigled her new husband into the execution of John the BaptistMatthew 14:4). His former father-in-law, Aretas, not long afterward (according to Josephus about one year before the death of Tiberius, i.e. A.D. 36) declared war against him, on pretense of a dispute about boundaries, but probably in reality to avenge the insult to his daughter, and entirely routed his army (Joseph. Ant. 18, 5, 1), but was obliged to desist from farther steps by the intervention of the Romans. Antipas visited Rome on the accession of Caligula, although fond of ease, at the instance of his vain and ambitious wife, in order to secure the same royal title (which is derisively ascribed to him in  Mark 6:14) that his nephew Herod Agrippa had just acquired (Joseph. Ant. 18, 7, 1); but upon the accusation of the latter he was dethroned by the emperor (A.D. 39; see Ideler, Chronol. 2, 309 sq.; comp. Joseph. Ant. 1 8, 6, 11; 7, 2), and, together with Herodias, who would not desert him in his misfortune, banished to Lyons in Gaul (Joseph. Ant. 18, 2), not to Vienna (Euseb. Hist.  Ecclesiastes 1:1-18;  Ecclesiastes 11:1-10), but died in Spain (Joseph. War, 2, 9, 6), whither he eventually removed. (See Koch, De anno natali J. C. per numnu et fata Antipoe demonstrato, Helmst. 1721; comp. Zorn, Biblioth. Antiq. 1, 1021.) Although Josephus relates no great series of infamous acts on the part of Antipas, it is yet very evident that he was a frivolous prince (comp.  Mark 8:15;  Luke 13:32), abandoned to the pleasures of life (comp. Joseph. Ant. 18, 4, 5), destitute of firmness of character (comp.  Luke 23:11), aware of his faults ( Luke 9:7 sq.), yet not disinclined to arbitrary acts (Luke 13:38), whom Luke ( Luke 3:19) charges with many crimes ( Πονηρά ); as likewise Jewish tradition. paints in the most disadvantageous light (Noble, Hist. Idum. p. 251 sq.). (See Herod).

    2. A person "of royal lineage" in Jerusalem, and city treasurer, the first man seized by the assassins during the last war with the Romans,:and soon after butchered in prison (Josephus, War , 4, 3, 4 and 5).

    3. A "faithful martyr," mentioned in Revelations 2:13. A.D. ante 100. He is said to have been one of our Savior's first disciples, and a bishop of Pergamus, and to have been put to death in a tumult there by the priests of A Esculapius, who had a celebrated temple in that city (Eusebius, Hist.  Ecclesiastes 4:1-16;  Ecclesiastes 5:1-20). Tradition relates that he was burned in a brazen bull under Domitian (Acta Sanctcrum, 2, 3, 4). His day in the Greek calendar is April 11 (Menol. Gr. 3, 51).

    International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [10]

    an´ti - pas ( Ἀντίπας , Antı́pas ): The name is an abbreviation of Antipater: (1) A name of Herod "the tetrarch" (in Jos), son of Herod the Great, the brother of ArchelausMatthew 14:1;  Luke 3:1;  Luke 9:7;  Acts 13:1 ). See Herod . (2) A martyr of the church of Pergamum, described as "my witness, my faithful one" ( Revelation 2:13 ).

    Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [11]

    Antipas, 1

    An´tipas, a person named as 'a faithful witness,' or martyr, in  Revelation 2:13.

    Antipas, 2

    Antipas, or Herod-Antipas [[[Herodian Family]]]
