Anthony De Rampigollis

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Anthony De Rampigollis [1]

(Antonius Rampelbgus), an Italian monk of the Order of Augustine Hermits and a doctor in theology, flourished at the beginning of the 15th century, and especially distinguished himself at the Council of Constance in 1418 by his disputations against the Hussites. He wrote, for the use of the young persons of his order in the monastery at Naples, a work entitled Figurce Biblice, which Possevinus strongly censures, and which was placed upon the Index Expurgatorius. It was printed several times in Paris and elsewhere. Hist Dictioiiarium Pauperum et Speculum Salvationis Humanca:. Was published with the above, at Paris, in 1497, 8vo. He is also reputed to be the author of the Aureum Bibliorum Repertoriun. See Cave, Hist. Lit. ii, 121 .
