Ann Alexander

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Ann Alexander [1]

a minister of the denomination of Friends, was the daughter of William and Esther Tuke, and was born at York, England, May 16, 1767. Her first journey in the work of the ministry was a visit to Scotland in 1788, in which country she contributed much to religious progress. Her removal to Ireland, in 1791, was the cause of increased religious awakening in many parts of that country. She came to America in 1803, where she remained two years, preaching in various parts of the country. About 1811 she began the publication of a periodical devoted to the interests of the Society, which has appeared annually since 1813 under the title Annual Monitor. She died near Ipswich, England, Oct. 19, 1849. See Annual Monitor, 1850, p. 124.
