Andrew A Jew Of Cyrene

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Andrew A Jew Of Cyrene [1]

surnamed Lucuas by Eusebius, and "the man of light" by Abulfaraj, a fanatic, lived at the commencement of the 2d century. Under the reign of Trajan he distinguished himself as the leader of his compatriots, whom he promised a triumphant return to Jerusalem. The enthusiasm thus inspired gained for him many advantages over Lupus, praefect of Egypt, whom he obliged to shut himself up in Alexandria, where he took revenge by causing the massacre of all the Jews in that city. Andrew, accustomed to retaliation, ravaged the flat countries, and desolated all Libya, by which more than 200,000 people became the victims of his rage. These horrible disorders extended even to the Isle of Cyprus, where the Jews, under the leadership of Artemion, perished with an equal number of Greeks and Romans. It was not until after many very bloody encounters that they were brought to submission. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. Andrew, a Scottish bishop, was promoted bishop OF Galloway in 1368 or 1369. See Keith, Scottish Bishops, p. 274 .
