Alexander Newton
Alexander Newton [1]
a Presbyterian divine, was born in North Carolina, Dec. 15, 1803. In 1808 his father removed to Bedford Co., Tenn. Under a careful training at home his studies were carried forward, both classical and theological; and thus fully prepared for the ministry, he was ordained in 1824 by Shiloh Presbytery. In. 1829 he emigrated to Livingston, Madison Co., Miss., where he taught school and preached until 1835, after which time he was employed in the work of the ministry, as stated supply to the following churches successively: viz., Osborne, Spring Ridge, Shongalo, Oxford, Middleton, Grenada, Clinton, and Brandon. He was a close attendant upon all the judicatories of the Church, and took an active part in all the subjects brought before Presbytery, Synod, or General Assembly, in all of which he was acknowledged to be a leader. He died Nov. 27, 1859. Dr. Newton possessed genis, with a large amount of common-sense. His attainments were varied: an accurate scholar, an original thinker, and a terse writer. At one time he edited a periodical entitled The True Baptist. He wrote much for the various papers, religious and secular, and in The Eagle of the South he published a series of articles on the Presbyterian Church (O. S.); these he after. wards issued in a pamphlet form. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1861, p. 192. (J. L. S.)