Alexander Montgomery

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Alexander Montgomery [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was born in Westfield, N.Y., in 1808. He graduated at Amherst College, Mass., in 1837; studied theology first in Union Seminary, New York City, and afterwards in Auburn Seminary, N.Y.; was licensed by Hampden Congregational Association, Mass., and ordained in 1839 as pastor of Maryville Church, N.Y., where he remained until he removed West, and joined the Presbytery of Chicago, and was agent for some time. He finally settled at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, where he labored until his death, February 18, 1859. Mr. Montgomery was an earnest Christian, a good theologian, and a fervent preacher. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1868, page 121.
