Alessandro Sauli

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Alessandro Sauli [1]

an Italian Barnabite, was born at Milan in 1535. He studied at Pavia and Milan with such success that he knew the "Summa" of Aquinas almost by heart. In 1567 Sauli was made superior of his order, in 1570 bishop of Aleria, in 1591 bishop of Pavia, after having refused the archbishopric of Genoa. He died in 1592. Benedict XIV beatified him in 1741. See Argelati, Bibliotheca Script Mediol. (Milan, 1745), volume 2; Collezione di Vite dei Piu Distinti Religiosi della Congregazione dei Chierici RR. di S. Paole detti Barnabiti (ibid. 1861), volume 13; Lettere Inedite del Beat. Alessandro Sauli (Turin, 1868); Raccolta di Orazioni in Lode del Beat. Alessandro Sauli (Lucca, 1743); Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B.P.)
