Adolph Moraht

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Adolph Moraht [1]

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born November 28, 1805, at Hamburg. He studied at Halle and Gottingen, and for nine years acted as teacher at his native place. In 1838 he was deacon at Molln, in the duchy of Lauenburg, in 1846 pastor, and died December 6, 1884. He published, Versuch einer Methodik des Religionsunterrichtes (2d ed. Merseburg, 1833): Harfenklange, eine Sammlung christlicher Gedichte (Luneburg, 1840), besides a number of sermons. See Zuchold,Bibl. Theol. 2:903; Koch, Geschichte desdeutschen Kirchenliedes, 7:296. (B.P.)
