Adjuto (Also St. Ajoutre Or Ustre)

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Adjuto (Also St. Ajoutre Or Ustre) [1]

Adjuto (Also St. Ajoutre Or Ustre)

lived in the 12th century. He was the son of a Norman gentleman, of the family of the seigneurs of Vernon-sur-Seine, but assumed the cross in the war against the Saracens, and after seventeen years' service was captured and put to torture. He refused to renounce the faith, and, returning to France, contributed largely to the Abbey of Tirou, and built a chapel and a few cells near Vernon, where he shut himself up, rigidly observing the rule of St. Benedict. He died April 30, 1131 or 1132, and was buried in the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene at Vernon. His life was written by Hugo, archbishop of Rouen. See Butler, Lives, April 30; Baillet, Vies des Saints, April 30.
