Adam Lillie

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Adam Lillie [1]

a Scotch Congregational minister, was born in Glasgow in 1803. He embraced religion very early in life, studied at the university, and becoming animated by a strong missionary desire, offered his services to the London Missionary Society, studied three years at Gosport, and in 1826 sailed to India. His health failing caused his return to Glasgow in the following year. He then settled as teacher, soon after became itinerant minister, in 1833 was chosen copastor at Musselburgh and in 1834 accepted an invitation to the pastorate at Brantford, Ontario, where he continued during life. In 1840 Dr. Lillie added to his pastorate the tutorship of the Canadian. Institute for the training of a local ministry. He died October 19, 1869. Dr. Lillie was an eminent Christian and scholar, and a prodigious worker. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-Book, 1870, page 305.
