Adam Herold
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Adam Herold [1]
a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born May 31, 1659, at Dresden. He studied at Wittenberg, Giessen, and Kiel, was in 1683 rector at Reval, in 1692 superintendent in Saxony, and doctor of theology, and died March 2, 1711. He wrote, Palladium Reformatorum a sua Sede cap. 9 ad Rom. Destructum: — Tabula Synoptica Totius Theologiae: — Disp. utrum Christus Ultimum Pascha Eodem an Diverso a Judaeis Die Comederit: — De Judaeorum Excommunicatione: — De Magis Bethlehemum Profectis. See Ranft, Leben der chursachsischen Gelehrten; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)