Abulafia El-Lewi Ben-Todros Meir
Abulafia El-Lewi Ben-Todros Meir [1]
a Jewish savant of note, was born about 1180, and was a native of Burgos. He taught the law at Toledo, where he died in 1244. He wrote various cabalistical works, such as the לַפְנֵי וְלַפְנַים , a part of which was published in Hebrew and Latin by Rittangel in the סֵפֶר יְצַירָה (Amst. 1662). He wrote also a letter against Maimonides's אַגְרוֹת , a treatise on the Masorah, entitled " The Fence of the Law," מָסֹרֶת סְיָג לִתּוֹרָה , and some novellas on parts of the Mishna. See Furst, Bibl. Judges 1:16; Etheridge, Introd. To Hebr. Literature , p. 276, 277; Gratz, Gesch. D. Juden, 7:33 sq.; Jost, Gesch. d. Judenthums, iii,'8, 9; Lindo, History of the Jews of Spain and Portugal, p. 81; Finn, Sephardim, or the History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal, p. 193 (Lond. 1841). (B. P.)