
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

King James Dictionary [1]

Absurd', a. L. absurdus, from ab and surdus, deaf, insensible. Opposed to manifest truth inconsistent with reason or the plain dictates of common sense. An absurd man acts contrary to the clear dictates of reason or sound judgement. An absurd proposition contradicts obvious truth. An absurd practice or opinion is repugnant to the reason or common apprehension of men. It is absurd to say six and six make ten, or that plants will take root in stone.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): (a.) Contrary to reason or propriety; obviously and fiatly opposed to manifest truth; inconsistent with the plain dictates of common sense; logically contradictory; nonsensical; ridiculous; as, an absurd person, an absurd opinion; an absurd dream.

(2): (n.) An absurdity.
