Abraham Bzovius (Bzowski)
Abraham Bzovius (Bzowski) [1]
Bzovius (Bzowski), Abraham,
a Polish Romanist divine, was born at Proczovic in 1567. He studied at Cracow, where he became a Dominican. He subsequently taught philosophy at Milan, and theology at Bologna. On his return into Poland he became prior of the Dominicans at Cracow, and contributed greatly to the extension of the order. Pope Pius V called him to Rome, where he was employed on a continuation of the Annals of Baronius from A.D. 1198 to 1532; and he completed nine volumes (13 to 21), which were printed at Cologne, from 1616 to 1630, and at Rome in 1672. Among his other writings are Historia Ecclesiastica ex Baronii annalibus historiis excerpta (Colossians 1617, 3 vols. fol.): — XL Sermones super Canticum Salve Regina (Venice, 1598): — Sacrum Pancarpium (Sermons): — De rebus gestis Summorum Pontificum (Colossians 1619 and 1622, 4to). He died at Rome, Jan. 31, 1637. — Hoefer Nouv. Biog. Generale, 7, 959.
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