Abbot Of St. Arnoul Of Metz John
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Abbot Of St. Arnoul Of Metz John [1]
is first mentioned in 960, when he succeeded Anst e in that office. He was reputed to be a learned and very liberal man for the times. He granted a charter of freedom to the inhabitants of Maurville formerly serfs of the abbey, and divided the land among them, retaining only for the abbey the right of levying certain taxes. He died about 977. John wrote a Life of St. Glodosinde (Mabillon, Acta Sanctoe, vol. 2, col. 1087) and the Life of St. John de Vendi re, abbot of Gorze (Bollandii, vol. 3, Feb.). See Gallia Christ. vol. 13, col. 900; Hist. Litt. de la France, 7, 421; Hoefer, Nouveau Biog. G n rale, 26, 530. (J.N.P.)