12Th Century Monk Adam

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

12Th Century Monk Adam [1]

first a monk, and afterwards abbot, of the monastery OF PERSEIGNE, in the diocese of Mans, flourished at the end of the 12th century. He had a reputation for holiness, eloquence, and learning. Among his works are,(Opus Sernmonum ad suos Fratres, etc. (Rome, 1652):'-Epistolce ad Osmundum Abbatice Mortuimaris in Normannia Monachum: - Epistola ad Blancum Comitsa. Campagnice (given by Martene, Vet. Script. et Mon. Nov. Coll. i, 1023, besides several other letters). See De Wisch, Bibl. Cisterc. p. 4; Magn. Bibl. Eccles. p. 109 .
