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Zemaraim [1]

zem - a - rā´im ( צמרים , cemārayim  ; Codex Vaticanus Σαρά , Sará  ; Codex Alexandrinus Σεμρίμ , Semrı́m ): A city in the territory of Benjamin. It is named between Betharabah and Bethel ( Joshua 18:22 ), and is probably to be sought East of the latter city. It is usual to identify it with es - Samra , a ruin about 4 miles North of Jericho. Mt. Zemaraim probably derived its name from the city, and must be sought in the neighborhood. On this height, which is said to be in Mt. Ephraim, Abijah, king of Judah, stood when making his appeal to the men of Israel under Jeroboam ( 2 Chronicles 13:4 ). If the identification with es - Samra is correct, this hill must be in the uplands to the West, es - Samra being on the floor of the valley. Dillmann ( Joshua , at the place) thinks Zemaraim cannot be so far East of Bethel, but may be found somewhere to the South of that town.
