Jean De Moncon

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Jean De Moncon [1]

a Spanish theologian, who advanced heretical opinions on the doctrine of the immaculate conception, was born at Monteson, Aragon, about 1360. He joined the brotherhood of St. Dominic, taught theology at Valentia, and in 1383 went to Paris, where he received the degree of doctor four years later. Having in his theses advanced some propositions contrary to the belief of the immaculate conception of the Virgin, he saw them condemned by the faculty, and Pierre d'Orgemont, then bishop, forbade their maintenance under pain of excommunication. This quarrel led to great trouble in the university; those partisans of the Spanish monk who refused to retract were thrown into prison, and he himself was excluded from all the Dominican courts. Moneon thereupon appealed to Clement VII, schismatic pope, residing at Avignon; but, perceiving that the commissioners given him were not favorable, he took to flight (January, 1389), and was found in Aragon, where he was excommunicated. In order to revenge himself for the persecution, he entered the service of pope Urban IV, and wrote against Clement VII. Peace was not concluded until 1403,. and only by the intervention of many princes and of the pope of Avignon, Benedict XIII. In 1412 he was instructed by the duke Alfonso to sustain his right. to the crown of Aragon. His works have never been printed. See Echard and Quetif, Script. ord. Pacedicatorum.
