Carl Theodor Keim
Carl Theodor Keim [1]
one of the most prominent theologians of Germany, was born at Stuttgart, December 17, 1825. He studied at Maulbronn and Titbingen, where Baiur exercised a great influence on him. For some time pastor at Esslingein, he was called, in 1860, as professor of New-Test. exegesis to Zurich, and in 1873 to Giessen, where he died, November 17, 1878. Keim published, Die Reformation der Reichstadt Ulm (Stuttgart, 1851): — Schwabische Reformationsgeschichte bis zum augsburger Reichstag (1855): — Ambrosius Blarer, der schwabische Reformator (1860): — Reformationsblatter der Reichsstadt Esslingen (eod.). When he went to Zurich he turned his studies to the beginnings of Christianity, and in this department won a lasting reputation by the following works: — Die geschichtliche Wurde Jesu Christi (Zurich, 1860): — Der geschichtliche Christus (1865; 3d ed. 1866): — Die Geschichte Jesut von Nazara (1867- 72, 3 volumes; Engl. transl. Jesus of Nazareth, Lond. 1873-82, 6 volumes), a life of Jesus from a rationalistic standpoint, though very learned and instructive. A popular form of this life of Jesus he published under the title, Die Geschichte Jesu nach den Ergebnissen heutiger Wissenschaft (Zurich, 1874; 2d ed. 1875). At Giessen he published Celsus wahres Wort (1873), and five years later his last work, Aus dem Urchristenthum. After his death, H. Zeigler, his literary executor, published from MS. Rom und das Christenthum (Berlin, 1881), a work of sterling value. See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v., and the sketch by Ziegler, prefixed to Rom und das Christenthum. (B.P.)