Judaeo-Spanish Version Of The Scriptures

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Judaeo-Spanish Version Of The Scriptures [1]

The Judaeo-Spanish is spoken by the Jews of Turkey, who are descendants of the Jews formerly settled in the Spanish Peninsula, but forcibly ejected from Spain in 1492, and from Portugal in 1497, by the merciless mandate of Ferdinand and Isabella. As to the versions of the Old Test., (See Romanic Versions). A translation of the New Test. into Judseo- Spanish was undertaken by the British and Foreign Bible Society at the suggestion of Dr. Pinkerton, and, in 1823, the Reverend Mr. Leeves, their agent in Turkey, undertook the translation which was printed in 1829 at Corfu. It was afterwards revised, and reprinted at Athens in 1844. In 1874 the British and Foreign Bible Society undertook a careful revision of the New Test., with the assistance of the Reverend J. Christie of the Scottish Missionary. Society. This new edition was printed at Constantinople in 1877, and is now in circulation. The Old Test. in Judaeo-Spanish, with Hebrew in parallel columns, has also been published by the American Bible Society. (B. P.)
