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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Παρακαλέω (Strong'S #3870 — Verb — parakaleo — par-ak-al-eh'-o )

the most frequent word with this meaning, lit. denotes "to call to one's side," hence, "to call to one's aid." It is used for every kind of calling to a person which is meant to produce a particular effect, hence, with various meanings, such as "comfort, exhort, desire, call for," in addition to its significance "to beseech," which has a stronger force than aiteo (see ASK). See, e.g., the RV "besought" in  Mark 5:18;  Acts 8:31;  19:31;  1—Corinthians 16:12 . See Call , No. 6, Note (2), Comfort, Desire, Exhort, Intreat, Pray

2: Ἐρωτάω (Strong'S #2065 — Verb — erotao — er-o-tah'-o )

often translated by the verb "to beseech," in the Gospels, is elsewhere rendered "beseech," in  1—Thessalonians 4:1;  5:12;  2—Thessalonians 2:1;  2—John 1:5 . See under Ask , No. 2.

3: Δέομαι (Strong'S #1189 — Verb — deomai — deh'-om-ahee )

"to desire, to long for," usually representing the word "need," is sometimes translated "beseech," e.g.,  Luke 5:12;  Acts 21:39;  2—Corinthians 10:2;  Galatians 4:12 . It is used of prayer to God, in  Matthew 9:38;  Luke 10:2;  21:36;  22:32;  Acts 4:31;  8:22,24;  10:2;  Romans 1:10;  1—Thessalonians 3:10 . See Pray , Request.

 Matthew 18:26

King James Dictionary [2]

BESEE'CH, pret. and pp.besought.

To entreat to supplicate to implore to ask or pray with urgency followed by a person as, "I Paul beseech you by the meekness of Christ,",  2 Corinthians 10 or by a thing as, I beseech your patience.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): (v. t.) To ask or entreat with urgency; to supplicate; to implore.

(2): (n.) Solicitation; supplication.
