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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Κακός (Strong'S #2556 — Adjective — kakos — kak-os' )

indicates the lack in a person or thing of those qualities which should be possessed; it means "bad in character" (a) morally, by way of thinking, feeling or acting, e.g.,  Mark 7:21 , "thoughts;"  1—Corinthians 15:33 , "company;"  Colossians 3:5 , "desire;"  1—Timothy 6:10 , "all kinds of evil;"  1—Peter 3:9 , "evil for evil;" (b) in the sense of what is injurious or baneful, e.g., the tongue as "a restless evil,"  James 3:8; "evil beasts,"  Titus 1:12; "harm,"  Acts 16:28; once it is translated "bad,"  2—Corinthians 5:10 . It is the opposite of agathos, "good." See Evil , Harm , Ill , Noisome , Wicked.

2: Πονηρός (Strong'S #4190 — Adjective — poneros — pon-ay-ros' )

connected with ponos, "labor," expresses especially the "active form of evil," and is practically the same in meaning as (b), under No. 1. It is used, e.g., of thoughts,  Matthew 15:19 (cp. kakos, in   Mark 7:21 ); of speech,  Matthew 5:11 (cp. kakos, in   1—Peter 3:10 ); of acts,  2—Timothy 4:18 . Where kakos and poneros are put together, kakos is always put first and signifies "bad in character, base," poneros, "bad in effect, malignant:" see  1—Corinthians 5:8 , and  Revelation 16:2 . Kakos has a wider meaning, poneros a stronger meaning. Poneros alone is used of Satan and might well be translated "the malignant one," e.g.,  Matthew 5:37 and five times in 1John (  1—John 2:13-14;  3:12;  5:18,19 , RV); of demons, e.g.,  Luke 7:21 . Once it is translated "bad,"  Matthew 22:10 . See Evil , Grievous , Harm , Lewd , Malicious , Wicked.

3: Σαπρός (Strong'S #4550 — Adjective — sapros — sap-ros' )

"corrupt, rotten" (akin to sepo, "to rot"), primarily, of vegetable and animal substances, expresses what is of poor quality, unfit for use, putrid. It is said of a tree and its fruit,  Matthew 7:17,18;  12:33;  Luke 6:43; of certain fish,  Matthew 13:48 (here translated "bad"); of defiling speech,   Ephesians 4:29 . See Corrupt.

King James Dictionary [2]

BAD, a.Heb. to perish or destroy

1. Ill evil opposed to good a word of general use, denoting physical defects and moral faults, in men and things as a bad man, a bad heart, a bad design, bad air, bad water, bad books. 2. Vicious corrupt depraved, in a moral sense as a bad life a bad action. 3. Unwholesome as bad provisions. 4. Unfortunate unprosperous as a bad state of affairs. 5. Unskillful as a bad player. 6. Small poor as a bad crop. 7. Infirm as a bad state of health. 8. Feeble, corrupt, or oppressive as a bad government. 9. Hurtful pernicious as, fine print is bad for the eyes. 10. Unfavorable as a bad season. 11. Poor sterile as a bad soil. 12. Rough or muddy as a bad road. In short, bad expresses whatever is injurious, hurtful, inconvenient, unlawful or immoral whatever is offensive, painful or unfavorable or what is defective.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): (imp.) Bade.

(2): of Bid

(3): (superl.) Wanting good qualities, whether physical or moral; injurious, hurtful, inconvenient, offensive, painful, unfavorable, or defective, either physically or morally; evil; vicious; wicked; - the opposite of good; as, a bad man; bad conduct; bad habits; bad soil; bad health; bad crop; bad news.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [4]

(See Linen).

the name of an angel or genius who, according to the tradition of the Magi, presides over the winds. He also superintends every event which happens oi the twenty-second of each month in the Persian year.
