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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

"Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father (Jacob). And 40 days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed; and the Egyptians mourned for him threescore and ten days." Joseph himself also at death was embalmed, "and was put in a coffin in Egypt" ( Genesis 50:2-3;  Genesis 50:25-26). The rest of Jacob's twelve sons were probably also embalmed, for their bodies "were carried over into Sychem and laid in the sepulchre" there ( Acts 7:16). Herodotus (3:1,129) records that "every distinct distemper in Egypt had its own physician who confined himself to the study of it alone, so that all Egypt was crowded with physicians."

This accounts for Joseph having in his retinue a number of physicians. Embalmers were usually a distinct class; but Jacob not being an Egyptian, his body was not embalmed by the ordinary embalmers. Diodorus long subsequently mentions 30 days as the time of embalming, and the mourning for a king 72 days. This nearly agrees with the 40 and 70 of Genesis; but of course the processes would vary between the early age of Genesis and the later ages of Herodotus and Diodorus. Herodotus mentions the custom of "covering the body in natron (salt) 70 days." The dearest process (that used in Jacob's and Joseph's case) cost a silver talent (250 British pounds).

The brain and the intestines, with a probe and a sharp Etiopian black flint or agate to make an incision in the side, were extracted, and spices, myrrh, and cassia introduced; the body, washed and wrapped in fine linen was plastered in side with gum, was then laid in a mummy case shaped as a man, generally of sycamore, as is that of king Mycerinus found in the third pyramid of Memphis. A second process with oil of cedar, costing 60 pounds, and a third cheaper process with syrmoea, were used for the less wealthy. The dearest process was said by the Egyptian priests to belong to Osiris, the judge of the dead, who however was not to be named. The mummy was placed erect against the sepulchral wall. Chemical analysis has detected three modes.

1. With asphaltum, funeral gum.

2. With asphaltum and liquor from cedar.

3. With this mixture and resinous aromatics.

Asa was "laid in the bed filled with sweet odorous and divers spices prepared by the apothecaries' art" ( 2 Chronicles 16:14). The Lord's body was by Nicodemus wrapped in "a mixture of myrrh and aloes an hundred pounds weight, ... as the manner of the Jews is to bury" ( John 19:39-40). But this is quite distinct from embalming. The Egyptian belief in the transmigration of souls tended to perpetuate the practice, the body being embalmed so as to be ready to receive the soul again when the appointed cycle of thousands of years should elapse. Their burying in the sand impregnated with salts and natron, which preserved the body, first suggested the process. Drugs and bitumen were not generally used before the 18th dynasty.

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [2]

The embalming the bodies of the dead was a very ancient custom, both with the Hebrews and the Egyptians. Hence we read of Joseph giving directions to the physicians to embalm the body of his father. ( Genesis 1:2) This is the earliest account of embalming that we have in Scripture. And it should seem, therefore, to have taken its rise in Egypt. Some have said, that necessity first taught the Egyptians the art of embalming, for when the river Nile overflowed, sometimes the inundation continued for near two months; during which time the bodies of the dead not only remained unburied, but remained unavoidably in the tents. To avoid the dreadful effects arising from putrefaction, gave rise to the idea of embalming; which was done by taking away the entrails, and anointing the body with oil and a composition of spices, which formed a kind of transparent coating, preserving from corruption, and keeping the body entire. I beg the reader to remark, that the custom, thus probably borrowed from the Egyptians, became the custom also of the Hebrews, even to the days of our Saviour. For we read, that there was an intention of embalming the Lord of life and glory. But if the reader will consult all the evangelists, he will find that the thing was not done, but prevented by our Lord's resurrection. The pious women resting the Sabbath day became, by the Lord's providence, the overruling cause to this effect. The Almighty Redeemer could need no embalming. His holy body saw no corruption. Sweet thought to the believer! And the dust of his saints, in like manner, is embalmed in him. Infinitely more valuable than the golden dust of the goldsmith. Hence the Psalmist saith, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." ( Psalms 116:15)

King James Dictionary [3]

EMB'ALM, emb'am.

1. To open a dead body, take out the intestines,and fill their place with odoriferous and desiccative spices and drugs, to prevent its putrefaction.

Joseph commanded his servants, the physicians, to embalm his father and the physicians embalmed Israel.  Genesis 1

2. To fill with sweet scent. 3. To preserve,with care and affection, from loss or decay.

The memory of my beloved daughter is embalmed in my heart.

Virtue alone, with lasting grace,

Embalms the beauties of the face.

Webster's Dictionary [4]

(1): ( v. t.) To preserve from decay or oblivion as if with balm; to perpetuate in remembrance.

(2): ( v. t.) To anoint all over with balm; especially, to preserve from decay by means of balm or other aromatic oils, or spices; to fill or impregnate (a dead body), with aromatics and drugs that it may resist putrefaction.

(3): ( v. t.) To fill or imbue with sweet odor; to perfume.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]

Copyright StatementThese files are public domain. Bibliography InformationMcClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Embalm'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. https://www.studylight.org/encyclopedias/eng/tce/e/embalm.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.
