Wessel Albert Van Hengel

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Wessel Albert Van Hengel [1]

a Dutch theologian, was born at Leyden, November 12, 1779, where he also received his theological education. In 1803 he was pastor at Kalslagen, in 1805 at Driehuizen, in 1810 at Grootrebroek, in 1815 professor of theology at Franeker, and in 1818 professor at Amsterdam. In 1827 he was called to Leyden, and died February 6, 1871. He wrote, Annotationes in Loca Nonnulla Novi Testamenti (Amsterdam, 1824): — Institutio Oratoris Sacri (Leyden, 1829): — Commentarius Perpetuus in Epistolam Pauli ad Philippenses (1838): — Commentarius Perpetuus in Prioris Pauli ad Corinthios Epistolie Caput Quintum Decimum (1851): — Interpretatio Pauli Epistolae ad Romanos (1854-59, 2 volumes): — Five Epistles to Strauss, on his Life of Jesus (2d ed. 1824): — Meritorum Joannis Henrici van der Palm Commemoratio Brevis (1840). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:241; 2:61, 111; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1:535; Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religienses, s.v. (B.P.)
