Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]
in the Active Voice, "to cheer, make glad," 2 Corinthians 2:2 , is used everywhere else in the Passive Voice, signifying, "to be happy, rejoice, make merry," and translated "to be merry" in Luke 12:19; 15:23,24,29,32; in Luke 16:19 , "fared (sumptuously);" in Revelation 11:10 , "make merry." See Fare , Glad , Rejoice.
from eu, "well," and thumos, "the soul," as the principle of feeling, especially strong feeling, signifies "to make cheerful;" it is used intransitively in the Nt, "to be of good cheer," Acts 27:22,25; in James 5:13 , Rv, "is (any) cheerful?" (Av, "... merry?"). See Cheer.
King James Dictionary [2]
Mer'Ry, a.
1. Gay and noisy jovial exhilarated to laughter.
Man is the merriest species of the creation.
They drank and were merry with him. Genesis 43
2. Causing laughter or mirth as a merry jest. 3. Brisk as a merry gale. This is the primary sense of the word. 4. Pleasant agreeable delightful.
To make merry, to be jovial to indulge in hilarity to feast with mirth. Judges 9 .
Webster's Dictionary [3]
(1): ( n.) A kind of wild red cherry.
(2): ( superl.) Causing laughter, mirth, gladness, or delight; as, / merry jest.
(3): ( superl.) Laughingly gay; overflowing with good humor and good spirits; jovial; inclined to laughter or play; sportive.
(4): ( superl.) Cheerful; joyous; not sad; happy.