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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

'''A — 1: πρῶτος (Strong'S #4413 — Adjective — protos — pro'-tos )

the superlative degree of pro, "before," is used (I) "of time or place," (a) as a noun, e.g.,  Luke 14:18;  Revelation 1:17; opposite to "the last," in the neuter plural,  Matthew 12:45;  Luke 11:26;  2 Peter 2:20; in the neuter singular, opposite to "the second,"  Hebrews 10:9; in  1 Corinthians 15:3 , en protois, lit., "in the first (things, or matters)" denotes "first of all;" (b) as an adjective, e.g.,  Mark 16:9 , used with "day" understood, lit., "the first (day) of (i.e., after) the Sabbath," in which phrase the "of" is objective, not including the Sabbath, but following it (cp. B, No. 3); in  John 20:4,8;  Romans 10:19 , e.g., equivalent to an English adverb; in  John 1:15 , lit., "first of me," i.e., "before me" (of superiority); (Ii) "of rank or dignity," see Chief , Cp. B, Nos. 3 and 4.

'''B — 1: πρότερον (Strong'S #4386 — Adjective — proteron — prot'-er-on )

the comparative degree of pro (see No. 1), "former, before," denotes "first" in  Hebrews 7:27; in 4:6, Rv, "before" (Av, "first"), speaking of Israel as having heard God's good tidings previously to the ministry of the Gospel; in  Galatians 4:13 , "I preached ... unto you the first time" means on the former of his two previous visits.

'''B — 2: ἄνωθεν (Strong'S #509 — Adverb — anothen — an'-o-then )

"from above," is rendered "from the first" in  Luke 1:3 , Rv; it may mean "from their beginning, or source."

'''B — 3: πρῶτος (Strong'S #4413 — Adjective — protos — pro'-tos )

"firstly," is used in  Acts 11:26 , "first" (some mss. have No. 4 here).

'''B — 4: πρῶτον (Strong'S #4412 — Adverb — proton — pro'-ton )

the neuter of the adjective protos, is used as an adverb, signifying "first, firstly," e.g., of time,  Matthew 8:21; of order,  Romans 3:2 (Av, "chiefly"); in   John 7:51 , Rv, "except it first hear from himself" (the Av, "before it hear him," follows the mss. which have No. 1).

'''C — 1: μία (Strong'S #3391 — Adjective — mia — mee'-ah )

a grammatically feminine form of heis, "one," is translated "first" in certain occurrences of the phrase "on the first day of the week," e.g.,  Luke 24:1;  1 Corinthians 16:2; cp. A, and see Day; also in  Titus 3:10 , of a "first" admonition to a heretical man. See One.

'''D — 1: ἀρχή (Strong'S #746 — Noun Feminine — arche — ar-khay' )

"a beginning," is translated "first" in  Hebrews 5:12 , "of the first (principles of the oracles of God)," lit. "(the principles) of the beginning (of the oracles of God);" in  Hebrews 6:1 "the first (principles) of Christ," lit., "(the account) of the beginning of Christ," i.e., the elementary teaching concerning Christ. In   Acts 26:4 , where the word is preceded by apo, "from," the Av has "at the first," the Rv, "from the beginning."

 Jude 1:6 2 Corinthians 8:12Set

King James Dictionary [2]

First, a. furst. See fare and for.

1. Advanced before or further than any other in progression foremost in place as the first man in a marching company or troop is the man that precedes all the rest. Hence, 2. Preceding all others in the order of time. Adam was the first man. Cain was the first murderer. Monday was the first day of January. 3. Preceding all others in numbers or a progressive series the ordinal of one as, 1 is the first number. 4. Preceding all others in rank, dignity or excellence. Demosthenes was the first orator of Greece. Burke was one of the first geniuses of his age. Give God the first place in your affections.

First, adv. furst.

1. Before any thing else in the order of time.

Adam was first formed, then Eve.  1 Timothy 2 .

2. Before all others in place or progression.

Let the officers enter the gate first.

3. Before any thing else in order of proceeding or consideration. First, let us attend to the examination of the witnesses. 4. Before all others in rank. He stands or ranks first in public estimation.

At first, at the first, as the beginning or origin.

First or last, at one time or another at the beginning or end.

And all fools and lovers first or last.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( a.) Preceding all others of a series or kind; the ordinal of one; earliest; as, the first day of a month; the first year of a reign.

(2): ( a.) Foremost; in front of, or in advance of, all others.

(3): ( adv.) Before any other person or thing in time, space, rank, etc.; - much used in composition with adjectives and participles.

(4): ( n.) The upper part of a duet, trio, etc., either vocal or instrumental; - so called because it generally expresses the air, and has a preeminence in the combined effect.

(5): ( a.) Most eminent or exalted; most excellent; chief; highest; as, Demosthenes was the first orator of Greece.

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [4]

See Firstborn

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

fûrst ( אחד , 'eḥādh , ראשׁון , ri'shōn  ; πρῶτον , prōton , τὸ πρῶτον , tó prō̇ton , πρῶτος , prō̇tos ): Of these words, which are those most frequently used for "first," ri'shōn is from rōsh , "the head, and is used for the highest, chief, etc.; also of time, the beginning, e.g.  Genesis 8:13 , in the first month"; in  Isaiah 44:6;  Isaiah 48:12 , it is used of Yahweh as Eternal and solely Supreme - the First and the Last (compare  Isaiah 41:4 ). Special usages are in connection with "firstborn," "first-fruit," etc.; prōton is used of that which is first in order; but also of that which is first or chief in importance, etc. ( Matthew 6:33;  James 3:17 ). In  1 Timothy 1:15 , Paul says Jesus came "to save sinners; of whom I am chief," literally, "first"; the same word is used by Jesus of the "first" of the commandments ( Mark 12:29 ); where we read in  1 Corinthians 15:3 , "I delivered unto you first of all," it is en prō̇tois ("in the foremost place"); "The first and the last" is applied to Christ as Eternal and Supreme ( Revelation 1:17;  Revelation 2:8;  Revelation 22:13 ); prōtos is "the first day" ( Matthew 26:17;  Mark 16:9 ); in  Matthew 28:1;  Mark 16:2;  Luke 24:1;  John 20:1 ,  John 20:19;  Acts 20:7 , it is mı́a ("one").
