Holman Bible Dictionary [1]
Genesis 10:7 Psalm 72:10 Isaiah 45:14 Ezekiel 23:42 Isaiah 43:3
2. Descendants of Sheba, the son of Raamah ( Genesis 10:7 ) or Joktan ( Genesis 10:28; compare Genesis 25:3 ). The rich queen of Sheba visited Solomon ( 1 Kings 10:1 ). Sabeans destroyed Job's flocks and herds and servants ( Job 1:15 ). They were known as “travelling merchants” ( Job 6:19 Reb; compare Psalm 72:10 ,Psalms 72:10, 72:15; Isaiah 60:6; Jeremiah 6:20; Ezekiel 27:22; Ezekiel 38:13; Joel 3:8 ). This is usually equated with the city in southern Arabia, modern Marib in Yemen. Some scholars think this is too far south and seek biblical Sheba in northern Arabia near Medina on the wadi esh-Shaba. Sabeans could have become a general term for foreign or nomadic merchants. Sheba in southern Arabia gained riches through trade with nearby Africa and with India, whose goods they transported and sold to the empires to the north. Sheba produced and traded incense.
Webster's Dictionary [2]
(a. & n.) Same as Sabian.