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Easton's Bible Dictionary [1]

  • The father of a Levite, one of the two Kohathites who took a prominent part at the instance of Hezekiah in the cleansing of the temple ( 2 Chronicles 29:12 ).

    Copyright Statement These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain.

    Bibliography Information Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Amasai'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 1897.

  • Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

    Amasa'i or Amas'a-i. (burdensome).

    1. A Kohathite, father of Mahath and ancestor of Samuel.  1 Chronicles 6:25;  1 Chronicles 6:35.

    2. Chief of the captains of Judah and Benjamin, who deserted to David while an outlaw at Ziklag.  1 Chronicles 12:18. (B.C. 1060).

    3. One of the priests who blew trumpets before the ark.  1 Chronicles 15:24.

    4. Another Kohathite, in the reign of Hezekiah.  2 Chronicles 29:12.

    Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]

    Amasai . 1 . A Kohathite (  1 Chronicles 6:25;   1 Chronicles 6:35 ); the eponym of a family (  2 Chronicles 29:12 ). 2 . One of the priests who blew trumpets on the occasion of David’s bringing the ark to Jerus. (  1 Chronicles 15:24 ). 3 . One of David’s officers at Ziklag (  1 Chronicles 12:18 ), possibly to be identified with Amasa , No. 1.

    People's Dictionary of the Bible [4]

    Amasai (a-măs'a- î or ăm'a-s â-i ), burdensame. 1. A Levite, one, of the sons of Elkanah.  1 Chronicles 6:25. 2. A chief of the captains who joined David in the desert.  1 Chronicles 12:18. 3. One of the Levites.  1 Chronicles 15:24. 4. The father of Mahath.  2 Chronicles 29:12.

    Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

     1 Chronicles 6:25 2 1 Chronicles 6:35 1 Chronicles 12:18 2 Samuel 23:1 4 1 Chronicles 15:24 5 2 Chronicles 29:12

    Morrish Bible Dictionary [6]

    1. One or more descendants of Kohath.  1 Chronicles 6:25,35;  2 Chronicles 29:12 .

    2. Chief of the captains of those who resorted to David at Ziklag.  1 Chronicles 12:18 .

    3. Priest who helped to bring up the ark from the house of Obed-edom.  1 Chronicles 15:24 .

    American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [7]

    A Levite, who joined David with thirty gallant men, while in the desert flying from Saul,  1 Chronicles 6:25;  12:16-18 .

    Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

    [some Amas'ai] (Hebrew Amasay', עֲמָשִׂי , burdensome), the name of several men. (See Amashai).

    1. (Sept. Ἀμασί and Ἀμάς v. r. Ἀμεσσί and Ἀμαθί .) A Levite, son of Elkanah, and father of Ahimoth or Mahath, of the ancestry of Samuel ( 1 Chronicles 6:25;  1 Chronicles 6:35), B.C. cir. 1410. 2. (Sept. Ἀμασαί . ) The principal leader of a considerable body of men from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, who joined David in "the stronghold," apparently the cave of Adullam; his fervent declaration of attachment instantly dispelled the apprehensions that David expressed at their coming ( 1 Chronicles 12:18), B.C. cir. 1061. There is not much probability in the supposition (Ewald, Isr. Gesch. 2, 544) that he was the same with Amasa (See Amasa)' (q.v.), the nephew of David.

    3. (Sept. Ἀμασαϊ v . ) One of the priests appointed to precede the ark with blowing of trumpets on its removal from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem ( 1 Chronicles 15:24), B.C. cir. 1043.

    4. (Sept. Ἀμασί . ) Another Levite, father of a different Mahath, and one of the two Kohathites that were forward at the instance of Hezekiah in cleansing the temple ( 2 Chronicles 29:12), B.C. 726.

    International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [9]

    a -mā´sı̄ ( עמשׂי , ‛ămāsay , perhaps rather to be read עמּשׁי , ‛ammishay  ; so Wellhausen, Ijg , Ii, 24, n.2):

    (1) A name in the genealogy of Kohath, son of Elkanah, a Levite of the Kohathite family (compare  1 Chronicles 6:25;  2 Chronicles 29:12 ).

    (2) Chief of the captains who met David at Ziklag and tendered him their allegiance. Some have identified him with Amasa and others with Abishai, who is called Abshai in  1 Chronicles 11:20 m (compare   1 Chronicles 18:12 ). The difficulty is that neither Amasa nor Abishai occupied the rank of the chief of thirty according to the lists in 2 Sam 23 and 1 Ch 11, the rank to which David is supposed to have appointed into (compare  1 Chronicles 12:18 ).

    (3) One of the trumpet-blowing priests who greeted David when he brought back the Ark of the Covenant (compare  1 Chronicles 15:24 ).

    Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [10]

    Amasa´i, the principal leader of a considerable body of men from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, who joined David at Ziklag. The words with which David received them indicate some apprehension, which was instantly dissipated by a fervent declaration of attachment from Amasai ( 1 Chronicles 12:16-18).
