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Holman Bible Dictionary [1]

Old Testament Egyptian chariots were the first to be mentioned in the Bible ( Genesis 41:43;  Genesis 46:29;  Genesis 50:9 ). The iron chariots of the Philistines were fortified with plates of metal which made them militarily stronger than those of the Israelites ( Judges 1:19;  Judges 4:3 ,  Judges 4:13-17;  1 Samuel 13:5-7 ).

Chariots became an important part of Solomon's army and his commercial affairs ( 1 Kings 4:26;  1 Kings 9:15-19;  1 Kings 10:28-29 ). The military strength of Israel under Ahab was noteworthy because of the number of chariots available for use. According to Assyrian records, Ahab brought 2,000 chariots into the Battle of Qarqar in 853 B.C. Chariots were also seen in prophetic visions ( Zechariah 6:1-8 ) and applied figuratively to Elijah's and Elisha's power ( 2 Kings 2:12;  2 Kings 13:14 ).

New Testament Chariots were used in prophetic imagery ( Revelation 9:9;  Revelation 18:13 ) and for transportation of the Ethiopian eunuch ( Acts 8:26-38 ). See Arms And Armor .

Lai Ling Elizabeth Ngan

People's Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Chariots. Scripture speaks of two kinds of chariots, two-wheeled, and both drawn by horses: one for princes and generals to ride in,  Genesis 41:43;  Genesis 46:29;  2 Kings 5:9;  Acts 8:28; or dedicated to idols,  2 Kings 23:11; the other "chariots of iron," armed with iron scythes or hooks, projecting from the ends of the axletrees. The Canaanites whom Joshua engaged at the waters of Merom had horsemen, and a multitude of chariots.  Joshua 11:4;  Judges 1:19. Sisera, general of Jabin, king of Hazor, had 900 chariots of iron,  Judges 4:3; and Solomon raised 1400,  1 Kings 10:26, in spite of the prohibition in  Deuteronomy 17:16;  1 Samuel 8:11-12. The later kings also used this form of military defense.  Isaiah 31:1. Elijah went up to heaven in a chariot of fire.  2 Kings 2:12. E. V. reads "chariots." In  Song of Solomon 3:9, chariot seems to mean a portable sedan or palanquin, as it is translated in the R. V.

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [3]

Scripture speaks of two sorts of these: one for princes and generals to ride in,  Genesis 41:43; the other to break the enemy's battalions, by rushing in among them, being "chariots of iron," that is, armed with iron scythes or hooks, projecting from the ends of the axle-trees. These made terrible havoc. The Canaanites, whom Joshua engaged at the waters of Meron, had horsemen, and a multitude of chariots,  Joshua 11:4   Judges 1:19 . Sisera, general of Jabin king of Hazor, had nine hundred chariots of iron,  Judges 4:3 . See Litter .

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [4]

See Chariot

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [5]

The Scriptures employ different words to denote carriages of different sorts, but it is not in every case easy to distinguish the kind of vehicle which these words severally denote. We are now, however, through the discovery of ancient sculptures and paintings, in possession of such information respecting the chariots of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Persia, as gives advantages in the discussion of this subject which were not possessed by earlier writers. The chariots of these nations are, in fact, mentioned in the Scriptures; and by connecting the known with the unknown, we may arrive at more determinate conclusions than have hitherto been attainable.

Fig. 125—Egyptian Curricle

The first chariots mentioned in Scripture are those of the Egyptians; and by close attention to the various notices which occur respecting them, we may be able to discriminate the different kinds which were in use among that people.
