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King James Dictionary [1]

LIQ'UOR, n. lik'or L. liquor.

A liquid or fluid substance. See Liquid. Liquor is a word of general signification, extending to water, milk, blood, say, juice, &c. but its most common application is to spirituous fluids, whether distilled or fermented, to decoctions, solutions, tinctures.

LIQ'UOR, To moisten to drench. Little used.

Webster's Dictionary [2]


(v. t.) To supply with liquor.


(n.) A solution of a medicinal substance in water; - distinguished from tincture and aqua.


(v. t.) To grease.


(n.) Any liquid substance, as water, milk, blood, sap, juice, or the like.


(n.) Specifically, alcoholic or spirituous fluid, either distilled or fermented, as brandy, wine, whisky, beer, etc.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

lik´ẽr  : Every sort of intoxicating liquor except the beverage prepared from the juice of the grape ( yayin ), according to the usage of the Old Testament, is comprehended under the generic term שׁכר , shēkhār (compare shākhar , to "be drunk"), rendered "strong drink" (compare Greek sı́kera in Luke 1:15 ). The two terms, yayin and shēkhār , "wine" and "strong drink," are often found together and are used by Old Testament writers as an exhaustive classification of the beverages in use among the ancient Hebrews (Leviticus 10:9; 1 Samuel 1:15; Proverbs 20:1 , etc.). See Wine; Drink , Strong .

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [4]

(דֶּמִע, de'ma, a tear, fig. of the juice of olives and grapes, Exodus 22:29; מֶזג, me'zeg, mixed, i.e., highly flavored wine, Song of Solomon 7:3; מַשְׁרָה, mishrah', maceration, i.e., drink prepared by steeping grapes, Numbers 6:3). (See Wine).
