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King James Dictionary [1]

CLOTHE, pret. and pp. clothed, or clad. See Cloth.

1. To put on garments to invest the body with raiment to cover with dress, for concealing nakedness and defending the body from cold or injuries.

The Lord God made coats of skin and clothed them. Genesis 3 .

2. To cover with something ornamental.

Embroidered purple clothes the golden beds.

But clothe, without the aid of other words, seldom signifies to adorn. In this example from Pope, it signifies merely to cover.

3. To furnish with raiment to provide with clothes as, a master is to feed and clothe his apprentice.d 4. To put on to invest to cover, as with a garment as, to clothe thoughts with words.

I will clothe her priests with salvation. Psalms 132 .

Drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags. Proverbs 23 .

Let them be clothed with shame. Psalms 35 .

5. To invest to surround to encompass.

The Lord is clothed with majesty. Psalms 93 .

Thou art clothed with honor and majesty. Psalms 104 .

6. To invest to give to by commission as, to clothe with power or authority. 7. To cover or spread over as, the earth is clothed with verdure.

CLOTHE, To wear clothes.

Care no more to clothe and eat.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of OT Words [2]

Lâbash (לָבֵשׁ, Strong'S #3847), “to put on (a garment), clothe, wear, be clothed.” A common Semitic term, this word is found in ancient Akkadian and Ugaritic, in Aramaic, and throughout the history of the Hebrew language. The word occurs about 110 times in the text of the Hebrew Bible. Lâbash is found very early in the Old Testament, in Gen. 3:21: “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skin, and clothed them.” As always, God provided something much better for man than man could do for himself—in this instance, fig-leaf garments (Gen. 3:7). Lâbash is regularly used for the “putting on” of ordinary clothing (Gen. 38:19; Exod. 29:30; 1 Sam. 28:8). The word also describes the “putting on” of armor (Jer. 46:4). Many times it is used in a figurative sense, as in Job 7:5: “My flesh is clothed [covered] with worms.…” Jerusalem is spoken of as “putting on” the Jews as they return after the Exile (Isa. 49:18). Often the figurative garment is an abstract quality: “For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, … he put on garments of vengeance for clothing …” (Isa. 59:17). God is spoken of as being “clothed with honor and majesty” (Ps. 104:1). Job says, “I put on righteousness, and it clothed me …” (Job 29:14).

These abstract qualities are sometimes negative: “The prince shall be clothed [RSV, “wrapped”] with desolation” (Ezek. 7:27). “They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame” (Job 8:22). “Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame” (Ps. 109:29). A very important figurative use of lâbash is found in Judg. 6:34, where the stative form of the verb may be translated, “The spirit of the Lord clothed itself [was clothed] with Gideon.” The idea seems to be that the Spirit of the Lord incarnated Himself in Gideon and thus empowered him from within. The English versions render it variously: “came upon” (KJV, NASB, JB); “took possession of” (NEB, RSV); “took control (TEV); wrapped round” (Knox).

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [3]

1: Ἀμφιέννυμι (Strong'S #294 — Verb — amphiennumi — am-fee-en'-noo-mee )

"to put clothes round" (amphi, "around," hennumi, "to clothe"), "to invest," signifies, in the Middle Voice, to put clothing on oneself, e.g., Matthew 6:30; 11:8; Luke 7:25; 12:28 .

2: Ἐνδύω (Strong'S #1746 — Verb — enduo — en-doo'-o )

(Eng., "endue"), signifies "to enter into, get into," as into clothes, "to put on," e.g., Mark 1:6; Luke 8:27 (in the best mss.); 24:49 (AV, "endued"); 2 Corinthians 5:3; Revelation 1:13; 19:14 . See Array , Endue , PUT ON.

3: Ἐνδιδύσκω (Strong'S #1737 — Verb — endidusko — en-did-oos'-ko )

has the same meaning as No. 2; the termination, ---sko suggests the beginning or progress of the action. The verb is used in the Middle Voice in Luke 16:19 (of a rich man). Some mss. have it in Luke 8:27 , for No. 2 (of a demoniac). In Mark 15:17 the best texts have this verb (some have No. 2). See Wear.

4: Ἐπενδύομαι (Strong'S #1902 — Verb — ependuo — ep-en-doo'-om-ahee )

a strengthened form of No. 2, used in the Middle Voice, "to cause to be put on over, to be clothed upon," is found in 2 Corinthians 5:2,4 , of the future spiritual body of the redeemed.

5: Ἱματίζω (Strong'S #2439 — Verb — himatizo — him-at-id'-zo )

means "to put on raiment" (see himation, below), Mark 5:15; Luke 8:35 .

6: Περιβάλλω (Strong'S #4016 — Verb — periballo — per-ee-bal'-lo )

"to cast around or about, to put on, array," or, in the Middle and Passive Voices, "to clothe oneself," e.g., Matthew 25:36,38,43 , is most frequent in the Apocalypse, where it is found some 12 times (see peribolaion, below). See Cast , No. 10, PUT, No. 9).

1 Peter 5:5

Webster's Dictionary [4]


(v. i.) To wear clothes.


(v. t.) Fig.: To cover or invest, as with a garment; as, to clothe one with authority or power.


(v. t.) To provide with clothes; as, to feed and clothe a family; to clothe one's self extravagantly.


(v. t.) To put garments on; to cover with clothing; to dress.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [5]

Proverbs 6:27 (b) This figure reveals the fact that a man's hidden life surely affects his public activities.

Ezekiel 16:10 (b) Here is an illustration of the way the Lord enriched Israel and took her from being a base nation to make her a glorious people.

Haggai 1:6 (a) This is typical of man's provision to cover his own need. He is left quite unsatisfied. This was illustrated in the story of the fig leaves.

Matthew 6:30 (b) Clothing the grass with flowers is a figure of the way in which our blessed Lord covers His people with salvation and with the fruit of the Christian life, as well as temporal mercies.

Mark 5:15 (c) This is a type of the robe of righteousness given to the sinner when he trusts the Saviour.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

in Greek mythology, was the youngest of the Fates, or Pareae (q.v.). It was her office to spin the thread between her fingers, that is, to give life and continue it. She was represented holding the spindle, dressed in a long gown of several colors, and having on her head a crown with seven stars.
