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Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

an ancient city of England, on the river Dee, founded by the Romans. In the 13th century it had several monasteries, a college, and the hospitals of St. Anne and of St. John Baptist, the latter of which remains to this day. Under Henry VIII the Church of the monastery of St. Wesburgh became the Cathedral for the new see of Chester, which took in Cheshire (from the diocese of Litchfield) and Lancashire (from the diocese of York). The revenues of the dissolved monasteries were made a provision for the bishop, dean, and chapter. The present (1867) bishop is William Jacobson, DD., consecrated in 1865.

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [2]

The county town of Cheshire, on the Dee, 16 m. SE. of Liverpool; an ancient city founded by the Romans; surrounded by walls nearly 2 m. long, and from 7 to 8 ft. thick, forming a promenade with parapets; the streets are peculiar; along the roofs of the lower storeys of the houses there stretch piazzas called "Rows," at the original level of the place, 16 ft. wide for foot-passengers, approached by steps; it abounds in Roman remains, and is altogether a unique town.
