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ē̇ -lı̄´hū ( אליהוּ , 'ĕlı̄hū  ; Ἠλείου , Ēleı́ou , "He is (my) God," or "my God is He"):

(1) An ancestor of Samuel ( 1 Samuel 1:1 ), called Eliel in 1 Chronicles 6:34 and Eliab in 1 Chronicles 6:27 . See Eliab .

(2) Found in 1 Chronicles 27:18 for Eliab, David's eldest brother ( 1 Samuel 16:6 ); called "one of the brethren of D."

(3) A M anassite who joined David at Ziklag ( 1 Chronicles 12:20 ).

(4) A K orahite porter ( 1 Chronicles 26:7 ).

(5) A friend of Job. See next article.

(6) An ancestor of Judith (Judith 8:1).