Benjamin Franklin Clark

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Benjamin Franklin Clark [1]

a Congregational minister, was born at Lylideborough, N. H. Feb. 23,1808. His preparatory studies were in Marysville, Tenn., and Oxford, O.; in 1833 he graduated at the Miami University, and the following -year became principal of Rising Sun Seminary, in Indiana; in 1837 he graduated at Lane Seminary, and for seven months of the following year preached at Lyndeborough. In 1839 he resided at Andover until August, when he was ordained pastor in North Chelmsford, Mass., remaining there until January, 1869, but resided in that place without charge thereafter. In 1870, however, he supplied the First' Church in Dracut; in 1868 and in 1870 was a state senator; for twenty years was a director of the Stony Brook Railroad, and for about the same length of time superintendent of schools in Chelmsford. His death occurred May 28, 1879. He was the author of several pamphlets in reference to public affairs. See Cong. Year-book, 1880, p. 15.
