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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]


1. A city of Judah in the shephelah or low hilly region ( Joshua 15:34); on the lower slopes of the hills, 12 miles W. of Jerusalem.

2. On Ephraim's border, not far from the Mediterranean, "The Land Of Tappuah," in the territory of Ephraim but belonging to Manasseh ( Joshua 16:8;  Joshua 17:8). Having a good spring it is called En Tappuah ( Joshua 17:7). Near the torrent Kanah.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

tap´ū́ - a , ta - pū´a ( טפח , tappūaḥ , "apple"):

(1) A royal city of the Canaanites, the king of which was slain by Joshua ( Joshua 12:17 ). It is named between Beth- el and Hepher, and may possibly be identical with the city named in  Joshua 16:8; see (3) below. There is nothing to guide us to a decision.

(2) (Omitted by Septuagint.) A city in the Shephelah of Judah ( Joshua 15:34 ). It is named between Engannim and Enam in a group of cities that lay in the Northwest of the territory of Judah. Tristram suggested identification with ‛Artūf , about 1 1/2 miles Southeast of Zorah. G.A. Smith places it in Wâdy el ‛Afranj , possibly identifying it with Tuffūḥ , fully 4 miles West of Hebron. This position, however, is not in the Shephelah. The place probably represents "Beth-tappuah" of  Joshua 15:53 . No quite satisfactory identification has yet been suggested.

(3) A place on the border between Ephraim and Manasseh ( Joshua 16:8 ). "The land of Tappuah," i.e. the land adjoining the town, belonged to Manasseh, but the town itself belonged to Ephraim ( Joshua 17:8 ). En-tappuah was probably a neighboring spring. Tappuah was to the South of Michmethath, and the border ran from here westward to the brook Kanah. Some would place it at Khirbet ‛Atuf , about 11 miles Northeast of Nāblus . More probably it should be sought to the Southwest of the plain of Makhneh (Michmethath). It may be identical with Tephon, which, along with Timnath, Pharathon, and other cities, Bacchides fortified "with high walls and gates and bars" (1 Macc 9:50). No identification is possible.
