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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Στολή (Strong'S #4749 — Noun Feminine — stole — stol-ay' )

for which see Clothing , No. 8, is translated "robe" in Mark 16:5 , RV (AV, "garment"); "long robes" in Luke 20:46 .

2: Χλαμύς (Strong'S #5511 — Noun Feminine — chlamus — khlam-ooce' )

"a cloak," is translated "robe" in Matthew 27:28,31 . See Clothing , Note (4).

3: Ἱμάτιον (Strong'S #2440 — Noun Neuter — himation — him-at'-ee-on )

is translated "robe" in the AV of John 19:2,5 (RV, "garment"). See Apparel , No. 2, CLOTHING, No. 2, GARMENT.

4: Ἐσθής (Strong'S #2066 — Noun Feminine — esthes — es-thace' )

"apparel," is translated "robe" in Luke 23:11 (RV, "apparel"). See Apparel , No. 1.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [2]

Job 29:14 (a) Throughout the Scriptures a godly, upright character is represented as a robe or a garment. It is that which people can see. It is that which represents us to the public as our character. Job is indicating that he was righteous in all his ways, his actions, and his words. (See also Isaiah 61:10; Romans 13:14).

Luke 15:22 (b) This garment is called the "best" one for several reasons.

  • it is made in Heaven, and therefore is perfect.
  • it is given freely, and no price can purchase it.
  • it always fits every kind of a person.
  • it may be worn in any place.
  • it may be worn at any time.
  • it cannot be stolen from you.
  • it never wears out.
  • it never needs cleaning or mending.
  • it is always appropriate.
  • it is always becoming.
  • it is always in style.
  • it is the only garment which can be worn into Heaven, and in the presence of the King. All other garments must be left behind at death.
  • it is the robe of righteousness, the garment of salvation, which GOD gives to each person who trusts Him fully, and believes in Him implicitly.

Revelation 6:11 (b) These garments represent righteousness which is given as a gift ( Romans 5:17). to those who, coming as lost sinners to GOD by JESUS CHRIST, are saved by grace, and washed white in the Blood of the Lamb. (See also Revelation 7:9; Revelation 19:8).

King James Dictionary [3]

ROBE, n.

1. A kind of gown or long loose garment worn over other dress, particularly by persons in elevated stations. The robe is properly a dress of state or dignity, as of princes, judges, priests, &c. See Exodus 29:55 . 1 Samuel 24:4 . Matthew 27:28 . 2. A splendid female gown or garment. 2 Samuel 13 . 3. An elegant dress splendid attire. 4. In Scripture, the vesture of purity or righteousness, and of happiness. Job 29 . Luke 15 .


1. To put on a robe or to dress with magnificence to array. 2. To dress to invest, as with beauty or elegance as fields robed with green.

Such was his power over the expression of his countenance, that he could in an instant shake off the sternness of winter, and robe it in the brightest smiles of spring.

Webster's Dictionary [4]


(v. t.) A skin of an animal, especially, a skin of the bison, dressed with the fur on, and used as a wrap.


(v. t.) An outer garment; a dress of a rich, flowing, and elegant style or make; hence, a dress of state, rank, office, or the like.


(v. t.) To invest with a robe or robes; to dress; to array; as, fields robed with green.

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

Clothing Cloth

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [6]

ROBE . See Dress.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [7]


Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [8]

See Clothes.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

(the rendering of several Heb. and Gr. words, but especially of מְעַיל, meil', στολή ), a long garment with fringed or flowered borders, usually white, though sometimes purple, and worn by the great as a mark of distinction (Luke 15:22; Luke 20:46). The ancient Assyrians and Babylonians were celebrated for their manufactures of beautiful garments of divers colors (Joshua 7:21; Ezekiel 27:24). Their splendid robes appear to have been embroidered with figures of animals and flowers. According to Plutarch, Cato received as a legacy a Babylonian garment, and sold it because it was too costly for a citizen to wear. Some suppose that a sacred robe was preserved from early times, and handed down among the patriarchs as a badge of the birthright, and that "the goodly raiment" which Rebekah put upon Jacob was the birthright robe. This view is given in the Targum of Jonathan on Genesis 27:15 : "And Rebekah took the desirable robes of her elder son Esau, which had belonged to Adam the first parent." The coat of Joseph, the possession of which excited the envy of his brethren, is thus regarded, like the good raiment of Jacob, as a badge of the birthright, which, we are expressly taught, having been forfeited by Reuben, was transferred to Joseph (Genesis 37:3; 1 Chronicles 5:1). The robe appears also to have been, among the Hebrews, a species of vestment appropriated to the sacerdotal office, the holy garment. It was made entirely of blue, woven throughout, and on which neither knife nor needle was to be used; on the lower border was a row of artificial pomegranates and golden bells, alternating with each other (Exodus 28:2; Exodus 28:4; Exodus 28:31-33). The robes of Aaron symbolized the dignity and glory of our great highpriest, "the heir of the whole creation" (Revelation 3:4-5; Revelation 6:9-11; Revelation 7:9-14). (See Dress).
