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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

A city of Israel which, with its dependent villages, Abijah and the men of Judah took from Jeroboam ( 2 Chronicles 13:19). Possibly = Ephraim city above; also = EPHRON, MOUNT, on the northern bound of Judah ( Joshua 15:9).

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

2 Chronicles 13:19Ephron

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

City with its 'towns' or hamlets, taken by Abijah from Jeroboam. 2 Chronicles 13:19 . The R.V. has EPHRON.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [4]

E'phra-in. (hamlet). A city of Israel which Judah captured from Jeroboam. 2 Chronicles 13:19. It has been conjectured that this Ephrain or Ephron is identical with the Ephraim, by which Absalom's sheep-farm of Baal-hazor was situated; with the city called Ephraim near the wilderness, in which our Lord lived for some time; and with Ophrah, a city of Benjamin, apparently not far from Bethel. But nothing more than conjecture can be arrived at on these points.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

ē´fra -in ( 2 Chronicles 13:19 ), the Revised Version (British and American) Ephron .

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(Hebrews in the margin Ephra'yin, עֶפְרִיַן , but in the text Ephron', עֶפְרִוַֹן . ְ e. עֶפְרוֹן, which latter appears to be the genuine reading, (See Ephron); Sept. Ε᾿φρών, Vulg. Ephron), a city of Israel, which, with its dependent hamlets ( בָּנוֹת = "daughters," A.V. "towns"), Abijah and the army of Judah captured from Jeroboam with Bethel and Jeshanah ( 2 Chronicles 13:19). It appears to be mentioned in the Talmud (Menach. 9:1) as Ephraim ( עֶפְרִיַם ). It has been conjectured that this Ephrain or Ephron is identical with the EPH-RAIM by which Absalom's sheep-farm of Baalhazor was situated ( 2 Samuel 13:23); also with the city called EPHRAIM, near the wilderness in which our Lord lived for some time ( John 11:54); and with OPHRAH ( עָפְרָה ), a city of Benjamin, apparently not far from Bethel ( Joshua 18:23; comp. Josephus, War, 4:9, 9), and which has been located by Dr. Robinson (Researches, new ed. 1:447), with much probability, at the modern village of et-Taiyibeh. (See Ewald, Geschichte, 3:219, 466; 5:365; Stanley, Palestine, page 210.) (See Ephraim) 3.
