Sacrificial Instruments In The Israelitish Sanctuary.

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Sacrificial Instruments In The Israelitish Sanctuary. [1]

For the use of the priests in offering sacrifices, especially those with blood, there were kept in the tabernacle ( Exodus 27:3;  Exodus 38:3;  Numbers 4:14) and in the Temple ( 1 Kings 7:40;  1 Kings 7:45;  2 Kings 25:14 sq.;  Jeremiah 52:18 sq.) the following implements of brass:

1. יָעַי ם , Yaim ', Shovels , perhaps to free the altar of burned offering from its ashes; to which the סַירוֹת , Siroth ', or Pots , belonged, into which they were thrown.

2. מַזְרָקוֹת , Mizrakoth ', Basins , to take up the blood of the victims for sprinkling.

3. מַזְלָגוֹת , Mizlagoth ', Forks , Flesh-Forks.

4. מִחְתּוֹת , Machtoth ', Firepans , in which coals were taken up.

The brazen מְזִמְּרוֹת , Mezammeroth ' ( Jeremiah 52:18), may be considered as belonging here, and will then doubtless mean Sacrificial Knives , elsewhere called מִחְלָפַי , Machlaphim ' . (See Knife). The golden Vases or Vessels mentioned in  1 Kings 7:50 are certainly different from those just mentioned (No. 2), and were intended for use in the holy place. (See Sacrifice); (See Temple).
