Hãɠâ¶Fling Johann Wilhelm
Hãɠâ¶Fling Johann Wilhelm [1]
H Ö fling Johann Wilhelm
an eminent German Lutheran minister, born in Drossenfeld, near Baireuth, in 1802, was educated at the. Gymnasium of Baireuth and at the University of Erlangen, where he was an attentive hearer of Schelling, whose lectures strengthened his regard for historical Christianity. In 1823 he was appointed minister at Wuirzburg, and in 1827 at Jost, near Nuremberg. During his residence here he published two little pamphlets in defense of positive Christianity against Rationalism, which was then making rapid progress. These, it is thought, procured him the appointment as professor of practical theology at the University of Erlangen (1833). He died April 5, 1853. H Ö fling was a firm adherent to the old Protestant idea of the ministry and of the Church, and defended them vigorously with all the means of modern science. His theological writings were mainly in the department of practical theology, especially on the constitution of the Church, worship, and related dogmas. Of his earlier works the best are De symbolorum natura, necessitate, auctoritate et usu (Erlangen, 1835; 2nd ed. 1841): — Liturqische Abhandl. v. d. Composition der christl. Gemeinde Gottesdienste (ib. 1837). But his most important work is undoubtedly that on baptism: Das Sakranent d. Taufe, etc., dogmatisch, historisch, und liturgisch dargestellt (vol. 1, 1846; vol. 2, 1848). But his Grundsatze evangel. — luther. Kirchenverjfssung (1850; 3rd edition, 1852) attracted more general attention than any other work of his. Since his decease Thomasius and Harnack have edited and published his Liturgisches Urkundenbuch (1854), containing the rites of communion, ordination, introduction into the Church, and marriage. This book is only a fragment of a larger work, on which he had been engaged the last years of his life. See Zum Gedachtnisz J. W. F. H Ö fling's, etc., by Dr. Nagelsbach and Dr. Thomasius; Kurtz, Text-book of Ch. Hist. 2, 317, 373; Herzog, Real- Encyklop. 6, 170, 171. (J. H. W.)