Ignaz Aurelius Fessler

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Ignaz Aurelius Fessler [1]

a Hungarian historian, was born at Czorendorf, Lower Hungary, in July, 1756. He became a Capuchin in 1773, and in 1784 or 1786 was appointed professor of Oriental languages and hermeneutics in the University of Lemberg. He afterwards joined the freemasons, and withdrew from the Capuchins. In 1787 the representation of a tragedy of his, entitled Sidney, which was denounced as impious, obliged him to retire to Silesia; here he became tutor to prince Carolath's sons. In 1791 Fessler became a Protestant. After remaining a long time in Berlin he went to Russia, and became professor of Oriental languages in the Academy of St. Alexander Newski, but was afterwards accused of atheism, and lost his situation. After being for a while a member of the Legislative Assembly, he went in 1817 to Sarepta, the head-quarters of the Moravians in Russia. In 1820 he became superintendent of the evangelical community at Saratof, and in 1833 general superintendent of the Lutheran congregation at Petersburg, where he died Dec. 15, 1839. His principal works are, Marc-Aurel, a historical novel (Bresh. 1790-92, 3 vols.): Matthias Corvinus (Breal. 1793):-Aristides u. The mistokles (Berlin, 1792 and 1818, 3d ed.):-Attila (Baeslau, 1794):-Gesch. d. Ungarn, etc. (Lpz. 1812-25):Ruckblicke a. meine 70 jaehrige Pilgerschaft (Breslan, 1826).-Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gen. (Paris, 1857).
