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== Fausset's Bible Dictionary ==

1 Chronicles 6:40.

== Holman Bible Dictionary == 1 Chronicles 6:40 == Hitchcock's Bible Names == == Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible ==

BAASEIAH . A Kohathite ( 1 Chronicles 6:40; prob. an error for Maaseiah).

== Morrish Bible Dictionary ==

A Gershonite ancestor of Asaph the minstrel. 1 Chronicles 6:40 .

== Smith's Bible Dictionary ==

Ba-asei'ah or Basse'iah. (work of Jehovah). A Gershonite Levite, one of the forefathers of Asaph the singer. 1 Chronicles 6:40, see 1 Chronicles 6:25. (B.C. 1310).

== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ==

-a -sı̄´a , -a -sē´ya בּעשׂיה , ba‛ăsēyāh , "the Lord is bold"): Perhaps for מעשׂיה , ma‛ăsēyāh , after the Greek Μαασαί , Maasaı́ , "the work of the Lord." Compare Gray, Studies in Hebrew Proper Names , 293. An ancestor of Asaph, the musician (1 Chronicles 6:40 ).

== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature ==

(Heb. Baiseyah', בִּעֲשֵׂיָה, for בֲּן 9עֲשֵׂיָה, son of Asaiah, or work of Jehotwsh; Sept. Βαασία), a Gershonite Levite, son of Malchia, and father of Michael, in the lineage of Asaph (1 Chronicles 6:40 [25]). B. C. cir. 1310 .


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