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Holman Bible Dictionary [1]

1. David's soldier at Ziklag, skilled with bow and arrow and able to sling stones with either hand ( 1 Chronicles 12:6 ).  2 . Leader of a course of priests selected by lot under David ( 1 Chronicles 25:18 ).  3 . Leader of tribe of Dan under David ( 1 Chronicles 27:22 ).  4 . Priest who had married a foreign wife under Ezra ( Ezra 10:41 ).  5 . Father of Amashai, head of a priestly family who lived in Jerusalem under Nehemiah ( Nehemiah 11:13 ).  6 . Priest who played a musical instrument in time of Nehemiah ( Nehemiah 12:36 ), probably the same as 5. above.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Azarel . 1 . A Korahite follower of David at Ziklag (  1 Chronicles 12:6 ). 2 . A son of Heman (  1 Chronicles 25:18; called in V. 4 Uzziel ). 3 . Prince of the tribe of Dan (  1 Chronicles 27:22 ). 4 . A son of Bani, who had married a foreign wife (  Ezra 10:41 ). 5 . A priest (  Nehemiah 11:13 ). 6 . A Levite (  Nehemiah 12:36 ).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

az´a -rel עזראל , ‛ăzar'el , "God is helper"; the King James Version reads Azareel in numbers 1-5, Azarael in number 6):

(1) A K orahite who entered the army of David at Ziklag ( 1 Chronicles 12:6 ).

(2) A musician in the temple appointed by lot; son of Heman ( 1 Chronicles 25:18; compare Uzziel,  1 Chronicles 25:4 ).

(3) A captain of the tribe of Dan in the service of David ( 1 Chronicles 27:22 ).

(4) One of those who had "strange wives," a son of Bani ( Ezra 10:41 ).

(5) The father of Amashai, a priest who dwelt in Jerusalem after the Exile ( Nehemiah 11:13 ).

(6) A priest's son who played the trumpet in the procession when the wall was dedicated ( Nehemiah 12:36 ).
