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== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35012" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35012" /> ==
<p> Βor , a dug pit for receiving water conducted from a spring or the rainfall. (See [[Conduit]] .) The dryness between May and September in [[Palestine]] makes reservoirs necessary; of which the larger are called "pools," the smaller "cisterns." The rocky soil facilitates their construction. The top, with stonework and a round opening, has often a wheel for the bucket; an image of the aorta or great artery circulating the blood from the ventricle of the heart, or the wheel expresses life in its rapid motion (&nbsp;James 3:6; &nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:6). The rain is conducted to them from the roofs of the houses, most of which are furnished with them; from whence is derived the metaphor, &nbsp;Proverbs 5:15, "drink waters out of thine own cistern," i.e. draw thy enjoyments only from the sources that are legitimately thine. </p> <p> [[Hezekiah]] stopped the water supply outside [[Jerusalem]] at the invasion of Sennacherib, while within there was abundant water (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 32:3-4). So it has been in all the great sieges of Jerusalem, scarcity of water outside, abundance within. [[Empty]] cisterns were used as prisons. So [[Joseph]] was cast into a "pit" (&nbsp;Genesis 37:22); Jeremiah into one miry at the bottom, and so deep that he was let down by cords (&nbsp;Jeremiah 38:6), said to be near "Herod's gate." [[Cisterns]] yield only a limited supply of water, not an everflowing spring; representing creature comforts soon exhausted, and therefore never worth forsaking the never failing, ever fresh supplies of God. for (&nbsp;Jeremiah 2:13). The stonework of tanks often becomes broken, and the water leaks into the earth; and, at best, the water is not fresh long. Compare &nbsp;Isaiah 55:1-2; &nbsp;Luke 12:33. </p>
<p> '''''Βor''''' , a dug pit for receiving water conducted from a spring or the rainfall. (See [[Conduit]] .) The dryness between May and September in [[Palestine]] makes reservoirs necessary; of which the larger are called "pools," the smaller "cisterns." The rocky soil facilitates their construction. The top, with stonework and a round opening, has often a wheel for the bucket; an image of the aorta or great artery circulating the blood from the ventricle of the heart, or the wheel expresses life in its rapid motion (&nbsp;James 3:6; &nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:6). The rain is conducted to them from the roofs of the houses, most of which are furnished with them; from whence is derived the metaphor, &nbsp;Proverbs 5:15, "drink waters out of thine own cistern," i.e. draw thy enjoyments only from the sources that are legitimately thine. </p> <p> [[Hezekiah]] stopped the water supply outside [[Jerusalem]] at the invasion of Sennacherib, while within there was abundant water (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 32:3-4). So it has been in all the great sieges of Jerusalem, scarcity of water outside, abundance within. [[Empty]] cisterns were used as prisons. So [[Joseph]] was cast into a "pit" (&nbsp;Genesis 37:22); Jeremiah into one miry at the bottom, and so deep that he was let down by cords (&nbsp;Jeremiah 38:6), said to be near "Herod's gate." [[Cisterns]] yield only a limited supply of water, not an everflowing spring; representing creature comforts soon exhausted, and therefore never worth forsaking the never failing, ever fresh supplies of God. for (&nbsp;Jeremiah 2:13). The stonework of tanks often becomes broken, and the water leaks into the earth; and, at best, the water is not fresh long. Compare &nbsp;Isaiah 55:1-2; &nbsp;Luke 12:33. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50440" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50440" /> ==
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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_32713" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_32713" /> ==
<p> ( בּאר or בּוֹר '', Bor','' from בָּאִר, to [[Dig]] or ''Bore,'' Gesenius, ''Thes. Heb.'' p. 176; Sept. usually λάκκος; Vulg. ''Cisterna'' or ''Lacus;'' A. V. generally "pool"), a receptacle for water, either conducted from an external spring, or proceeding from rain-fall (&nbsp;Jeremiah 2:13; &nbsp;Proverbs 5:15; &nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:6; &nbsp;Jeremiah 36:16; a ''Pit,'' as often rendered; the mod. Arab. ''Birkeh'' )''.'' Thus the cistern is essentially distinguished from the living spring עִיַן, a'yin; but from the well בְּאֵר, ''Beer','' only in the fact that [[Beer]] is almost always used to denote a place ordinarily containing water rising on the spot, while בּוֹר, bor, is often used for a dry pit, or one tha' may be left dry at pleasure (Staniley, Palest. p. 512, 514). See AIN. But the pit into which Joseph was cast by his brethren (&nbsp;Genesis 37:24) was a [[Beer]] or dry well (Thomson, ''Land And Book,'' 1, 442). </p> <p> The dryness of the summer months between May and September in Syria, and the scarcity of springs in many parts of the country, make it necessary to collect in reservoirs and cisterns the rain-water, of which an abundance falls in the intermediate period (Shaw, Travels, p. 335; Jerome, quoted by Harmer, 1, 148; Robinson, 2:98; Kitto, Thys. Geogr. of Palest. p. 302, 303). See WELL. Hence the frequent mention of cisterns in Scripture, and more especially of those which are found in the open country. These were, it seems, the property of those by nwhom they were formed (&nbsp;Numbers 21:22). They are usually little more than large pits (see &nbsp;Sirach 1:3), but sometimes take the character of extensive subterraneous vaults, open only by a small mouth, like that of a well. They are filled with rain-water, and (where the climate allows) with snow during winter, and are then closed at the mouth with large flat stones, over which sand is spread in such a way as to prevent their being easily discovered (comp. the "sealed fountain" of &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 4:12). If by any chance the waters which the shepherd has thus treasured up are lost by means of an earthquake or some other casualty, or are stolen, both he and his flocks are exposed to great and imminent danger, as are also travelers who hasten to a cistern and find its waters gone (comp. &nbsp;Judith 7:21). For this reason a failure of water is used as the image of any great calamity (&nbsp;Isaiah 41:17-18; &nbsp;Isaiah 44:3). There is usually a large deposit of mud at the bottom of these cisterns, so that he who falls into them, even when they are without water, is liable to perish miserably (&nbsp;Genesis 37:22 sq.; &nbsp;Jeremiah 38:6; &nbsp;Lamentations 3:53; &nbsp;Psalms 40:2; &nbsp;Psalms 69:15). In cities the cisterns were works of much labor, for they were either hewn in the rocks or surrounded with subterraneous walls, and lined with a fine incrustation. (See [[Bethesda]]). </p> <p> The system which in this respect formerly prevailed in Palestine is doubtless the same that exists at present; and indeed there is every probability that most of the cisterns now in use were constructed in very ancient times. Dr. Robinson assures us that "the main dependence of Jerusalem at the present day is on its cisterns; and this has probably always been the case" (''Researches,'' 1, 480). Both large and small cisterns are frequent throughout the whole of Syria and Palestine, and for the construction of them the rocky nature of the ground affords peculiar facilities, either in original excavations or by enlargement of natural cavities. Dr. Robinson remarks that the inhabitants of all the hill country of Judah and [[Benjamin]] are in the habit of collecting water during the rainy season in tanks and cisterns, in the cities and fields, and along the high roads, for the sustenance of themselves and their flocks, and for the comfort of the passing traveler. Many of these are obviously antique, and exist along ancient roads now deserted. On the long-forgotten way from Jericho to [[Bethel]] "broken cisterns" of high antiquity are found at regular intervals. Jerusalem, described by [[Strabo]] as well supplied with water, in a dry neighborhood (16, 760), depends mainly for this upon its cisterns, of which almost every private house possesses one or more, excavated in the rock on which the city is built. The following are the dimensions of four belonging to the house in which Dr. R. resided: 1, 15 x 8 x 12 feet deep; 2, 8 x 4 x 15; 3, 10 x 10 x 15; 4, 30 x 30 x 20. The cisterns have usually a round opening at the top, sometimes built up with stone-work above, and furnished with a curb and a wheel for the bucket (&nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:6), so that they have externally much the appearance of an ordinary well. The water is conducted into them from the roofs of the houses during the rainy season, and with care remains sweet during the whole summer and autumn. In this manner most of the larger houses and public buildings are supplied (''Ib.'' )''.'' [[Josephus]] (''War,'' 4, 4, 4) describes the abundant provision for water supply in the towers and fortresses of Jerusalem, a supply which has contributed greatly to its capacity for defense, while the dryness of the neighborhood has in all cases hindered the operations of besiegers. Thus Hezekiah stopped the supply of water outside the city in anticipation of the attack of [[Sennacherib]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 32:3-4). The progress of [[Antiochus]] Sidetes (B.C. 134) was at first retarded by want of water, though this want was afterwards unexpectedly relieved (Joseph. Ant. 13, 8, 2; Clinton, 3, 331). Josephus also imputes to divine interposition the supply of water with which the army of Titus was furnished after suffering from want of it (War, 5, 9, 4). The Crusaders also, during the siege A.D. 1099, were harassed by extreme want of water, while the besieged were fully supplied (Matth. Paris, Hist. p. 46, 49, ed. Wat.). Benjamin of [[Tudela]] says very little water is found at Jerusalem, but the inhabitants drink rain-water, which they collect in their houses (Bohn's ed. of Early Travels, p. 84). Barclay gives the most complete description of the subterranean reservoirs of Jerusalem, particularly those under the Haram enclosure (City of the Great King, p. 226, etc.). (See Jerusalem). </p> <p> The defense of [[Masada]] by Joseph, brother of Herod, against [[Antigonus]] was enabled to be prolonged owing to an unexpected replenishing of the cisterns by a shower of rain (Josephus, ''Ant.'' 14, 15, 2), and in a subsequent passage he describes the cisterns and reservoirs by which that fortress was plentifully supplied with water, as he had previously done in the case of Jerusalem and Ma1chaerus (''War,'' 4, 4, 4; 4:6, 2: 7:8, 3). [[Burckhardt]] mentions cisterns belonging to private houses, among other places, at Sermein, near Aleppo (''Syria,'' p. 121), [[El]] Bara, in the [[Orontes]] valley (p. 132), Dhami and Missema in the Lejah (p. 110, 112, 118). [[Tiberias]] (p. 331), Kerek in [[Moab]] (p. 377), Mount [[Tabor]] (p. 334). Of some at Hableh, near Gilgal, the dimensions are given by Robinson (Later Researches, p. 137): 1, 7 X 5 X 3 feet deep; 2, nearly the same as 1; 3, 12 x 9 x 8. They have one or two steps to descend into them, as is the case with one near Gaza, now disused, described by Sandys as "a mighty cistern, filled only by the rain-water, and descended into by stairs of stone" (Sandys, p. 150; but see Robinson, 2, 376). Of those at Hableh, some were covered with flat stones, resting on arches, some entirely open, and all evidently ancient (Robinson, new ed. 3, 137). Dr. Olin (Travels, 2, 84) describes something of a better sort near Hebron: "Just without the city are some cisterns, which probably belong to a very early age. A large basin, forty-seven paces square, stands outside the gate by which we entered thee city. It was nearly full of greenish water, and. has been repaired at a period apparently not very remote. It is of very solid workmanship, built of hewn limestone, and may be eighteen or twenty feet deep. The descent is by flights of stairs situated at the four corners, by which the water is brought up in vessels and skins, and poured into troughs for the flocks, or carried away for domestic uses. It was not at this time fit for drinking. Another pool, of smaller dimensions, occupies higher ground on the north side of the city. These reservoirs are filled by the rains, and are unconnected with any perennial fountain." Vitravius (8, 7) describes the method in use in his day for constructing water-tanks, but the native rock of Palestine usually superseded the necessity of more art in this work than is sufficient to excavate a basin of the required dimensions. The city of [[Alexandria]] is supplied with water contained in arched cisterns supported by pillars, extending under a great part of the old city (Van Egmont, Travels, 2, 134). (See [[Pool]]). </p> <p> Empty cisterns were sometimes used as prisons and places of confinement. Joseph was cast into a "pit" (בּוֹר, &nbsp;Genesis 37:22), and his "dungeon" is called by the same name (&nbsp;Genesis 41:14). Jeremiah was thrown into a miry though empty cistern, whose depth is indicated by the cords used to let him down (&nbsp;Jeremiah 38:6). To this prison tradition has assigned a locality near the gate called Herod's gate (Hasselquist, p. 140; Maundrell, Bohn's ed. of ''Early Travels,'' p. 448). (See [[Prison]]). </p> <p> According to Thomson (''Land And Book,'' 2, 262-4), dry cisterns are often used in Palestine for granaries, and are very liable to be plundered of their wheat by ants. (See [[Granary]]). </p> <p> Various allusions by way of figure are made to cisterns in Scripture. The breaking of the wheel at the cistern — the wheel that was used to send down and pull up again the bucket which drew water from the larger cisterns — is used in &nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:6, as an image of the- breaking up of the- animal economy, which perpetually sends, while it is at work, the flow of vital blood from the heart to the extremities. To drink waters out of one's own cistern is a proverbial expression (&nbsp;Proverbs 5:15) for confining one's self to the legitimate sources of pleasure which God has associated with our state, as contradistinguished from those which are the property of others. But the merely human and artificial nature of cisterns, which are of man's workmanship, and have no living spring within them, serve as a fit emblem of the insufficiency of creature confidences, and of the folly of preferring these to the infinite and everflowing fullness of God as in the solemn charge of the prophet, "My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water" (&nbsp;Jeremiah 2:13). (See [[Water]]). </p>
<p> ( '''''בּאר''''' or '''''בּוֹר''''' '', Bor','' from '''''בָּאִר''''' , to [[Dig]] or ''Bore,'' Gesenius, ''Thes. Heb.'' p. 176; Sept. usually '''''Λάκκος''''' ; Vulg. ''Cisterna'' or ''Lacus;'' A. V. generally "pool"), a receptacle for water, either conducted from an external spring, or proceeding from rain-fall (&nbsp;Jeremiah 2:13; &nbsp;Proverbs 5:15; &nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:6; &nbsp;Jeremiah 36:16; a ''Pit,'' as often rendered; the mod. Arab. ''Birkeh'' ) ''.'' Thus the cistern is essentially distinguished from the living spring '''''עִיַן''''' , a'yin; but from the well '''''בְּאֵר''''' , ''Beer','' only in the fact that [[Beer]] is almost always used to denote a place ordinarily containing water rising on the spot, while '''''בּוֹר''''' , bor, is often used for a dry pit, or one tha' may be left dry at pleasure (Staniley, Palest. p. 512, 514). See AIN. But the pit into which Joseph was cast by his brethren (&nbsp;Genesis 37:24) was a [[Beer]] or dry well (Thomson, ''Land And Book,'' 1, 442). </p> <p> The dryness of the summer months between May and September in Syria, and the scarcity of springs in many parts of the country, make it necessary to collect in reservoirs and cisterns the rain-water, of which an abundance falls in the intermediate period (Shaw, Travels, p. 335; Jerome, quoted by Harmer, 1, 148; Robinson, 2:98; Kitto, Thys. Geogr. of Palest. p. 302, 303). See WELL. Hence the frequent mention of cisterns in Scripture, and more especially of those which are found in the open country. These were, it seems, the property of those by nwhom they were formed (&nbsp;Numbers 21:22). They are usually little more than large pits (see &nbsp;Sirach 1:3), but sometimes take the character of extensive subterraneous vaults, open only by a small mouth, like that of a well. They are filled with rain-water, and (where the climate allows) with snow during winter, and are then closed at the mouth with large flat stones, over which sand is spread in such a way as to prevent their being easily discovered (comp. the "sealed fountain" of &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 4:12). If by any chance the waters which the shepherd has thus treasured up are lost by means of an earthquake or some other casualty, or are stolen, both he and his flocks are exposed to great and imminent danger, as are also travelers who hasten to a cistern and find its waters gone (comp. &nbsp;Judith 7:21). For this reason a failure of water is used as the image of any great calamity (&nbsp;Isaiah 41:17-18; &nbsp;Isaiah 44:3). There is usually a large deposit of mud at the bottom of these cisterns, so that he who falls into them, even when they are without water, is liable to perish miserably (&nbsp;Genesis 37:22 sq.; &nbsp;Jeremiah 38:6; &nbsp;Lamentations 3:53; &nbsp;Psalms 40:2; &nbsp;Psalms 69:15). In cities the cisterns were works of much labor, for they were either hewn in the rocks or surrounded with subterraneous walls, and lined with a fine incrustation. (See [[Bethesda]]). </p> <p> The system which in this respect formerly prevailed in Palestine is doubtless the same that exists at present; and indeed there is every probability that most of the cisterns now in use were constructed in very ancient times. Dr. Robinson assures us that "the main dependence of Jerusalem at the present day is on its cisterns; and this has probably always been the case" ( ''Researches,'' 1, 480). Both large and small cisterns are frequent throughout the whole of Syria and Palestine, and for the construction of them the rocky nature of the ground affords peculiar facilities, either in original excavations or by enlargement of natural cavities. Dr. Robinson remarks that the inhabitants of all the hill country of Judah and [[Benjamin]] are in the habit of collecting water during the rainy season in tanks and cisterns, in the cities and fields, and along the high roads, for the sustenance of themselves and their flocks, and for the comfort of the passing traveler. Many of these are obviously antique, and exist along ancient roads now deserted. On the long-forgotten way from Jericho to [[Bethel]] "broken cisterns" of high antiquity are found at regular intervals. Jerusalem, described by [[Strabo]] as well supplied with water, in a dry neighborhood (16, 760), depends mainly for this upon its cisterns, of which almost every private house possesses one or more, excavated in the rock on which the city is built. The following are the dimensions of four belonging to the house in which Dr. R. resided: 1, 15 x 8 x 12 feet deep; 2, 8 x 4 x 15; 3, 10 x 10 x 15; 4, 30 x 30 x 20. The cisterns have usually a round opening at the top, sometimes built up with stone-work above, and furnished with a curb and a wheel for the bucket (&nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:6), so that they have externally much the appearance of an ordinary well. The water is conducted into them from the roofs of the houses during the rainy season, and with care remains sweet during the whole summer and autumn. In this manner most of the larger houses and public buildings are supplied ( ''Ib.'' ) ''.'' [[Josephus]] ( ''War,'' 4, 4, 4) describes the abundant provision for water supply in the towers and fortresses of Jerusalem, a supply which has contributed greatly to its capacity for defense, while the dryness of the neighborhood has in all cases hindered the operations of besiegers. Thus Hezekiah stopped the supply of water outside the city in anticipation of the attack of [[Sennacherib]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 32:3-4). The progress of [[Antiochus]] Sidetes (B.C. 134) was at first retarded by want of water, though this want was afterwards unexpectedly relieved (Joseph. Ant. 13, 8, 2; Clinton, 3, 331). Josephus also imputes to divine interposition the supply of water with which the army of Titus was furnished after suffering from want of it (War, 5, 9, 4). The Crusaders also, during the siege A.D. 1099, were harassed by extreme want of water, while the besieged were fully supplied (Matth. Paris, Hist. p. 46, 49, ed. Wat.). Benjamin of [[Tudela]] says very little water is found at Jerusalem, but the inhabitants drink rain-water, which they collect in their houses (Bohn's ed. of Early Travels, p. 84). Barclay gives the most complete description of the subterranean reservoirs of Jerusalem, particularly those under the Haram enclosure (City of the Great King, p. 226, etc.). (See Jerusalem). </p> <p> The defense of [[Masada]] by Joseph, brother of Herod, against [[Antigonus]] was enabled to be prolonged owing to an unexpected replenishing of the cisterns by a shower of rain (Josephus, ''Ant.'' 14, 15, 2), and in a subsequent passage he describes the cisterns and reservoirs by which that fortress was plentifully supplied with water, as he had previously done in the case of Jerusalem and Ma1chaerus ( ''War,'' 4, 4, 4; 4:6, 2: 7:8, 3). [[Burckhardt]] mentions cisterns belonging to private houses, among other places, at Sermein, near Aleppo ( ''Syria,'' p. 121), [[El]] Bara, in the [[Orontes]] valley (p. 132), Dhami and Missema in the Lejah (p. 110, 112, 118). [[Tiberias]] (p. 331), Kerek in [[Moab]] (p. 377), Mount [[Tabor]] (p. 334). Of some at Hableh, near Gilgal, the dimensions are given by Robinson (Later Researches, p. 137): 1, 7 X 5 X 3 feet deep; 2, nearly the same as 1; 3, 12 x 9 x 8. They have one or two steps to descend into them, as is the case with one near Gaza, now disused, described by Sandys as "a mighty cistern, filled only by the rain-water, and descended into by stairs of stone" (Sandys, p. 150; but see Robinson, 2, 376). Of those at Hableh, some were covered with flat stones, resting on arches, some entirely open, and all evidently ancient (Robinson, new ed. 3, 137). Dr. Olin (Travels, 2, 84) describes something of a better sort near Hebron: "Just without the city are some cisterns, which probably belong to a very early age. A large basin, forty-seven paces square, stands outside the gate by which we entered thee city. It was nearly full of greenish water, and. has been repaired at a period apparently not very remote. It is of very solid workmanship, built of hewn limestone, and may be eighteen or twenty feet deep. The descent is by flights of stairs situated at the four corners, by which the water is brought up in vessels and skins, and poured into troughs for the flocks, or carried away for domestic uses. It was not at this time fit for drinking. Another pool, of smaller dimensions, occupies higher ground on the north side of the city. These reservoirs are filled by the rains, and are unconnected with any perennial fountain." Vitravius (8, 7) describes the method in use in his day for constructing water-tanks, but the native rock of Palestine usually superseded the necessity of more art in this work than is sufficient to excavate a basin of the required dimensions. The city of [[Alexandria]] is supplied with water contained in arched cisterns supported by pillars, extending under a great part of the old city (Van Egmont, Travels, 2, 134). (See [[Pool]]). </p> <p> Empty cisterns were sometimes used as prisons and places of confinement. Joseph was cast into a "pit" ( '''''בּוֹר''''' , &nbsp;Genesis 37:22), and his "dungeon" is called by the same name (&nbsp;Genesis 41:14). Jeremiah was thrown into a miry though empty cistern, whose depth is indicated by the cords used to let him down (&nbsp;Jeremiah 38:6). To this prison tradition has assigned a locality near the gate called Herod's gate (Hasselquist, p. 140; Maundrell, Bohn's ed. of ''Early Travels,'' p. 448). (See [[Prison]]). </p> <p> According to Thomson ( ''Land And Book,'' 2, 262-4), dry cisterns are often used in Palestine for granaries, and are very liable to be plundered of their wheat by ants. (See [[Granary]]). </p> <p> Various allusions by way of figure are made to cisterns in Scripture. The breaking of the wheel at the cistern '''''''''' the wheel that was used to send down and pull up again the bucket which drew water from the larger cisterns '''''''''' is used in &nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:6, as an image of the- breaking up of the- animal economy, which perpetually sends, while it is at work, the flow of vital blood from the heart to the extremities. To drink waters out of one's own cistern is a proverbial expression (&nbsp;Proverbs 5:15) for confining one's self to the legitimate sources of pleasure which God has associated with our state, as contradistinguished from those which are the property of others. But the merely human and artificial nature of cisterns, which are of man's workmanship, and have no living spring within them, serve as a fit emblem of the insufficiency of creature confidences, and of the folly of preferring these to the infinite and everflowing fullness of God as in the solemn charge of the prophet, "My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water" (&nbsp;Jeremiah 2:13). (See [[Water]]). </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15317" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15317" /> ==

Latest revision as of 08:32, 15 October 2021

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

Βor , a dug pit for receiving water conducted from a spring or the rainfall. (See Conduit .) The dryness between May and September in Palestine makes reservoirs necessary; of which the larger are called "pools," the smaller "cisterns." The rocky soil facilitates their construction. The top, with stonework and a round opening, has often a wheel for the bucket; an image of the aorta or great artery circulating the blood from the ventricle of the heart, or the wheel expresses life in its rapid motion ( James 3:6;  Ecclesiastes 12:6). The rain is conducted to them from the roofs of the houses, most of which are furnished with them; from whence is derived the metaphor,  Proverbs 5:15, "drink waters out of thine own cistern," i.e. draw thy enjoyments only from the sources that are legitimately thine.

Hezekiah stopped the water supply outside Jerusalem at the invasion of Sennacherib, while within there was abundant water ( 2 Chronicles 32:3-4). So it has been in all the great sieges of Jerusalem, scarcity of water outside, abundance within. Empty cisterns were used as prisons. So Joseph was cast into a "pit" ( Genesis 37:22); Jeremiah into one miry at the bottom, and so deep that he was let down by cords ( Jeremiah 38:6), said to be near "Herod's gate." Cisterns yield only a limited supply of water, not an everflowing spring; representing creature comforts soon exhausted, and therefore never worth forsaking the never failing, ever fresh supplies of God. for ( Jeremiah 2:13). The stonework of tanks often becomes broken, and the water leaks into the earth; and, at best, the water is not fresh long. Compare  Isaiah 55:1-2;  Luke 12:33.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Cistern . In Palestine, the climate and geological formation of the country render the storage of water a prime necessity of existence. Hence cisterns, mostly hewn in the solid rock, were universal in Bible times, and even before the Hebrew conquest (  Deuteronomy 6:11 ,   Nehemiah 9:25 , both RV [Note: Revised Version.] ). Thus at Gezer it has been found that ‘the rock was honeycombed with cisterns, one appropriated to each house [cf.   2 Kings 18:31 ] or group of houses … (and) fairly uniform in character. A circular shaft, about 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet deep, cut through the rock, expands downwards into a chamber roughly square or circular in plan, about 13 to 25 feet in diameter and generally about 20 feet deep.… The wall is generally covered with coarse plaster’ ( PEFSt [Note: Quarterly Statement of the same.] 1903, 111 f.).

A cistern might contain only rain water conveyed from the court or flat roof during the rainy season by gutters and pipes, or might be fed by a conduit led from a spring at a distance. The largest of the innumerable cisterns of Jerusalem, the ‘great sea’ in the Haram area, which is estimated to have held 3,000,000 gallons, derived its water-supply partly from surface drainage and partly from water brought by a conduit from Solomon’s Pools near Bethlehem (Wilson).

The mouth of a cistern, through which the water was sometimes drawn by a wheel ( Ecclesiastes 12:6 ), was legally required to have a cover (  Exodus 21:33 , cf. Jos. [Note: Josephus.] Ant . IV. viii. 37). A disused or temporarily empty cistern formed a convenient place of detention, as in the case of Joseph (  Genesis 37:20 ff.) and of Jeremiah (  Jeremiah 38:6 ff.).

A. R. S. Kennedy.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]

Cistern. A receptacle for water, either conducted from an external spring or proceeding from rain-fall. The dryness of the summer months, and the scarcity of springs in Judea, made cisterns a necessity, and they are frequent, throughout the whole of Syria and Palestine. On the long-forgotten way from Jericho to Bethel, "broken cisterns" of high antiquity are found at regular intervals.

Jerusalem depends mainly for water upon its cisterns, of which almost every private house possesses one or more, excavated in the rock on which the city is built. The cisterns have usually a round opening at the top, sometimes built up with stonework above and furnished with a curb and a wheel for a bucket.  Ecclesiastes 12:6. Empty cisterns were sometimes used as prisons and places of confinement. Joseph was cast into a "pit,"  Genesis 37:22, as was Jeremiah.  Jeremiah 38:6.

People's Dictionary of the Bible [4]

Cistern. A vessel to hold water; also reservoirs. During nearly half the year no rain falls in Palestine, and never-failing streams and springs are rare. The chief dependence of a large portion of the population was upon the water which fell in the rainy season and which they gathered in cisterns.  Isaiah 36:16;  Jeremiah 2:13. The water is conducted into them during the rainy season, and with proper care remains pure and sweet during the whole summer and autumn. When dry, they might be used as a prison,  Genesis 37:22;  Jeremiah 38:6; the "pit" was doubtless a cistern, or a granary, as at this day; and to drink water only from one's own domestic cistern means, to content one's self with the lawful enjoyments of his own home.  Proverbs 5:15.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [5]

Bor Beer   Jeremiah 2:13 Proverbs 5:15 Isaiah 36:16 Numbers 21:22Well

Empty cisterns were sometimes used as prisons (  Jeremiah 38:6;  Lamentations 3:53;  Psalm 40:2;  69:15 ). The "pit" into which Joseph was cast ( Genesis 37:24 ) was a Beer or dry well. There are numerous remains of ancient cisterns in all parts of Palestine.

Holman Bible Dictionary [6]

cistern well

The biblical writers revealed that cisterns were used for purposes other than holding water. Joseph was placed in a “broken” cistern by his brothers ( Genesis 37:20-29 ). The prophet Jeremiah was imprisoned in the cistern of Malchijah, King Zedekiah's son, ( Jeremiah 38:6 NAS). In   Jeremiah 14:1 , the pagan gods were symbolized as broken cisterns that could not hold water. Cisterns also served as convenient dumping places for corpses ( Jeremiah 41:7 ,Jeremiah 41:741:9 ). See Waterworks; Wells.

James Newell

Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [7]

a reservoir chiefly for rain water. Numbers of these are still to be seen in Palestine, some of which are a hundred and fifty paces long, and sixty broad. The reason of their being so large was, that their cities were many of them built in elevated situations; and the rain falling only twice in the year, namely, spring and autumn, it became necessary for them to collect a quantity of water, as well for the cattle as for the people. A broken cistern would of course be a great calamity to a family, or in some cases even to a town; and with reference to this we may see the force of the reproof,  Jeremiah 2:13 .

King James Dictionary [8]


1. An artificial reservoir or receptacle for holding water, beer or other liquor, as in domestic uses, distilleries, and breweries. 2. A natural reservoir a hollow place containing water as a fountain or lake.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [9]

 Jeremiah 2:13 (b) It is a type of human provision and self-made supplies for satisfaction, comfort, and preservation substituted for trust in the living GOD who is the source of all blessing.

Webster's Dictionary [10]

(1): (n.) An artificial reservoir or tank for holding water, beer, or other liquids.

(2): (n.) A natural reservoir; a hollow place containing water.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [11]

( בּאר or בּוֹר , Bor', from בָּאִר , to Dig or Bore, Gesenius, Thes. Heb. p. 176; Sept. usually Λάκκος ; Vulg. Cisterna or Lacus; A. V. generally "pool"), a receptacle for water, either conducted from an external spring, or proceeding from rain-fall ( Jeremiah 2:13;  Proverbs 5:15;  Ecclesiastes 12:6;  Jeremiah 36:16; a Pit, as often rendered; the mod. Arab. Birkeh ) . Thus the cistern is essentially distinguished from the living spring עִיַן , a'yin; but from the well בְּאֵר , Beer', only in the fact that Beer is almost always used to denote a place ordinarily containing water rising on the spot, while בּוֹר , bor, is often used for a dry pit, or one tha' may be left dry at pleasure (Staniley, Palest. p. 512, 514). See AIN. But the pit into which Joseph was cast by his brethren ( Genesis 37:24) was a Beer or dry well (Thomson, Land And Book, 1, 442).

The dryness of the summer months between May and September in Syria, and the scarcity of springs in many parts of the country, make it necessary to collect in reservoirs and cisterns the rain-water, of which an abundance falls in the intermediate period (Shaw, Travels, p. 335; Jerome, quoted by Harmer, 1, 148; Robinson, 2:98; Kitto, Thys. Geogr. of Palest. p. 302, 303). See WELL. Hence the frequent mention of cisterns in Scripture, and more especially of those which are found in the open country. These were, it seems, the property of those by nwhom they were formed ( Numbers 21:22). They are usually little more than large pits (see  Sirach 1:3), but sometimes take the character of extensive subterraneous vaults, open only by a small mouth, like that of a well. They are filled with rain-water, and (where the climate allows) with snow during winter, and are then closed at the mouth with large flat stones, over which sand is spread in such a way as to prevent their being easily discovered (comp. the "sealed fountain" of  Song of Solomon 4:12). If by any chance the waters which the shepherd has thus treasured up are lost by means of an earthquake or some other casualty, or are stolen, both he and his flocks are exposed to great and imminent danger, as are also travelers who hasten to a cistern and find its waters gone (comp.  Judith 7:21). For this reason a failure of water is used as the image of any great calamity ( Isaiah 41:17-18;  Isaiah 44:3). There is usually a large deposit of mud at the bottom of these cisterns, so that he who falls into them, even when they are without water, is liable to perish miserably ( Genesis 37:22 sq.;  Jeremiah 38:6;  Lamentations 3:53;  Psalms 40:2;  Psalms 69:15). In cities the cisterns were works of much labor, for they were either hewn in the rocks or surrounded with subterraneous walls, and lined with a fine incrustation. (See Bethesda).

The system which in this respect formerly prevailed in Palestine is doubtless the same that exists at present; and indeed there is every probability that most of the cisterns now in use were constructed in very ancient times. Dr. Robinson assures us that "the main dependence of Jerusalem at the present day is on its cisterns; and this has probably always been the case" ( Researches, 1, 480). Both large and small cisterns are frequent throughout the whole of Syria and Palestine, and for the construction of them the rocky nature of the ground affords peculiar facilities, either in original excavations or by enlargement of natural cavities. Dr. Robinson remarks that the inhabitants of all the hill country of Judah and Benjamin are in the habit of collecting water during the rainy season in tanks and cisterns, in the cities and fields, and along the high roads, for the sustenance of themselves and their flocks, and for the comfort of the passing traveler. Many of these are obviously antique, and exist along ancient roads now deserted. On the long-forgotten way from Jericho to Bethel "broken cisterns" of high antiquity are found at regular intervals. Jerusalem, described by Strabo as well supplied with water, in a dry neighborhood (16, 760), depends mainly for this upon its cisterns, of which almost every private house possesses one or more, excavated in the rock on which the city is built. The following are the dimensions of four belonging to the house in which Dr. R. resided: 1, 15 x 8 x 12 feet deep; 2, 8 x 4 x 15; 3, 10 x 10 x 15; 4, 30 x 30 x 20. The cisterns have usually a round opening at the top, sometimes built up with stone-work above, and furnished with a curb and a wheel for the bucket ( Ecclesiastes 12:6), so that they have externally much the appearance of an ordinary well. The water is conducted into them from the roofs of the houses during the rainy season, and with care remains sweet during the whole summer and autumn. In this manner most of the larger houses and public buildings are supplied ( Ib. ) . Josephus ( War, 4, 4, 4) describes the abundant provision for water supply in the towers and fortresses of Jerusalem, a supply which has contributed greatly to its capacity for defense, while the dryness of the neighborhood has in all cases hindered the operations of besiegers. Thus Hezekiah stopped the supply of water outside the city in anticipation of the attack of Sennacherib2 Chronicles 32:3-4). The progress of Antiochus Sidetes (B.C. 134) was at first retarded by want of water, though this want was afterwards unexpectedly relieved (Joseph. Ant. 13, 8, 2; Clinton, 3, 331). Josephus also imputes to divine interposition the supply of water with which the army of Titus was furnished after suffering from want of it (War, 5, 9, 4). The Crusaders also, during the siege A.D. 1099, were harassed by extreme want of water, while the besieged were fully supplied (Matth. Paris, Hist. p. 46, 49, ed. Wat.). Benjamin of Tudela says very little water is found at Jerusalem, but the inhabitants drink rain-water, which they collect in their houses (Bohn's ed. of Early Travels, p. 84). Barclay gives the most complete description of the subterranean reservoirs of Jerusalem, particularly those under the Haram enclosure (City of the Great King, p. 226, etc.). (See Jerusalem).

The defense of Masada by Joseph, brother of Herod, against Antigonus was enabled to be prolonged owing to an unexpected replenishing of the cisterns by a shower of rain (Josephus, Ant. 14, 15, 2), and in a subsequent passage he describes the cisterns and reservoirs by which that fortress was plentifully supplied with water, as he had previously done in the case of Jerusalem and Ma1chaerus ( War, 4, 4, 4; 4:6, 2: 7:8, 3). Burckhardt mentions cisterns belonging to private houses, among other places, at Sermein, near Aleppo ( Syria, p. 121), El Bara, in the Orontes valley (p. 132), Dhami and Missema in the Lejah (p. 110, 112, 118). Tiberias (p. 331), Kerek in Moab (p. 377), Mount Tabor (p. 334). Of some at Hableh, near Gilgal, the dimensions are given by Robinson (Later Researches, p. 137): 1, 7 X 5 X 3 feet deep; 2, nearly the same as 1; 3, 12 x 9 x 8. They have one or two steps to descend into them, as is the case with one near Gaza, now disused, described by Sandys as "a mighty cistern, filled only by the rain-water, and descended into by stairs of stone" (Sandys, p. 150; but see Robinson, 2, 376). Of those at Hableh, some were covered with flat stones, resting on arches, some entirely open, and all evidently ancient (Robinson, new ed. 3, 137). Dr. Olin (Travels, 2, 84) describes something of a better sort near Hebron: "Just without the city are some cisterns, which probably belong to a very early age. A large basin, forty-seven paces square, stands outside the gate by which we entered thee city. It was nearly full of greenish water, and. has been repaired at a period apparently not very remote. It is of very solid workmanship, built of hewn limestone, and may be eighteen or twenty feet deep. The descent is by flights of stairs situated at the four corners, by which the water is brought up in vessels and skins, and poured into troughs for the flocks, or carried away for domestic uses. It was not at this time fit for drinking. Another pool, of smaller dimensions, occupies higher ground on the north side of the city. These reservoirs are filled by the rains, and are unconnected with any perennial fountain." Vitravius (8, 7) describes the method in use in his day for constructing water-tanks, but the native rock of Palestine usually superseded the necessity of more art in this work than is sufficient to excavate a basin of the required dimensions. The city of Alexandria is supplied with water contained in arched cisterns supported by pillars, extending under a great part of the old city (Van Egmont, Travels, 2, 134). (See Pool).

Empty cisterns were sometimes used as prisons and places of confinement. Joseph was cast into a "pit" ( בּוֹר ,  Genesis 37:22), and his "dungeon" is called by the same name ( Genesis 41:14). Jeremiah was thrown into a miry though empty cistern, whose depth is indicated by the cords used to let him down ( Jeremiah 38:6). To this prison tradition has assigned a locality near the gate called Herod's gate (Hasselquist, p. 140; Maundrell, Bohn's ed. of Early Travels, p. 448). (See Prison).

According to Thomson ( Land And Book, 2, 262-4), dry cisterns are often used in Palestine for granaries, and are very liable to be plundered of their wheat by ants. (See Granary).

Various allusions by way of figure are made to cisterns in Scripture. The breaking of the wheel at the cistern the wheel that was used to send down and pull up again the bucket which drew water from the larger cisterns is used in  Ecclesiastes 12:6, as an image of the- breaking up of the- animal economy, which perpetually sends, while it is at work, the flow of vital blood from the heart to the extremities. To drink waters out of one's own cistern is a proverbial expression ( Proverbs 5:15) for confining one's self to the legitimate sources of pleasure which God has associated with our state, as contradistinguished from those which are the property of others. But the merely human and artificial nature of cisterns, which are of man's workmanship, and have no living spring within them, serve as a fit emblem of the insufficiency of creature confidences, and of the folly of preferring these to the infinite and everflowing fullness of God as in the solemn charge of the prophet, "My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water" ( Jeremiah 2:13). (See Water).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [12]

In a country which has scarcely more than one perennial stream, where fountains are not abundant, and where the months of summer pass without rain, the preservation of the rain-water in cisterns must always have been a matter of vast importance, not only in the pasture-grounds, but in gardens, and, above all, in towns. Hence the frequent mention of cisterns in Scripture, and more especially of those which are found in the open country. These were, it seems, the property of those by whom they were formed . They are usually little more than large pits, but sometimes take the character of extensive subterraneous vaults, open only by a small mouth, like that of a well. They are filled with rain-water, and (where the climate allows) with snow during winter, and are then closed at the mouth with large flat stones, over which sand is spread in such a way as to prevent their being easily discovered. If by any chance the waters which the shepherd has thus treasured up are lost by means of an earthquake or some other casualty, or are stolen, both he and his flocks are exposed to great and imminent danger; as are also travelers who hasten to a cistern and find its waters gone. For this reason a failure of water is used as the image of any great calamity . There is usually a large deposit of mud at the bottom of these cisterns, so that he who falls into them, even when they are without water, is liable to perish miserably (, sq.;;;; ). Cisterns were sometimes used, when empty, as prisons, and indeed prisons which were constructed underground received the same name .

In cities the cisterns were works of much labor, for they were either hewn in the rocks or surrounded with subterraneous walls, and lined with a fine incrustation. The system which in this respect formerly prevailed in Palestine is, doubtless, the same that exists at present; and indeed there is every probability that most of the cisterns now in use were constructed in very ancient times. Professor Robinson assures us, that 'the main dependence of Jerusalem at the present day is on its cisterns; and this has probably always been the case.' He then mentions the immense cisterns now and anciently existing within the area of the Temple; supplied partly by rain water, and partly by an aqueduct from Solomon's Pools, and which, of themselves, would furnish a tolerable supply in case of a siege. But, in addition to these, almost every private house in Jerusalem, of any size, is understood to have at least one or more cisterns, excavated in the soft limestone rock on which the city is built. The cisterns have usually merely a round opening at the top, sometimes built up with stonework above, and furnished with a curb and a wheel for the bucket; so that they have externally much the appearance of an ordinary well. The water is conducted into them from the roofs of the houses during the rainy season; and, with proper care, remains pure and sweet during the whole summer and autumn. In this manner most of the larger houses and the public buildings are supplied. The Latin convent, in particular, is said to be amply furnished; and in seasons of drought is able to deal out a sufficiency for all the Christian inhabitants of the city.

Most of these cisterns have undoubtedly come down from ancient times; and their immense extent furnishes a full solution of the question as to the supply of water for the city. Under the disadvantages of its position in this respect, Jerusalem must necessarily have always been dependent on its cisterns; and a city which thus annually laid in its supply for seven or eight months could never be overtaken by a want of water during a siege. Nor is this a trait peculiar to the Holy City; for the case is the same throughout all the hill country of Judah and Benjamin. Fountains and streams are few, as compared with Europe and America; and the inhabitants, therefore, collect water during the rainy season in tanks and cisterns in the cities, in the fields, and along the high roads, for the sustenance of themselves and of their flocks and herds, and for the comfort of the passing traveler. Many, if not the most, of these are obviously antique; and they exist not infrequently along the ancient roads which are now deserted. Thus, on the long-forgotten way from Jericho to Bethel, 'broken cisterns' of high antiquity are found at regular intervals. That Jerusalem was thus actually supplied of old with water is apparent also from the numerous remains of ancient cisterns still existing in the tract north of the city, which was once enclosed within the walls.
