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== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_57129" /> ==
<p> (ποταμός, &nbsp;Acts 16:13, &nbsp;2 Corinthians 11:26, &nbsp;Revelation 8:10; &nbsp;Revelation 9:14; &nbsp;Revelation 12:15; &nbsp;Revelation 16:4; &nbsp;Revelation 16:12; &nbsp;Revelation 22:1-2; the references to rivers in the [[Gospels]] are even fewer [cf. &nbsp;Matthew 7:25, &nbsp;Mark 1:5, &nbsp;Luke 6:48 &nbsp;John 7:38]) </p> <p> The [[Jordan]] is the only river in [[Palestine]] proper, worthy of the name. It is rightly called the Jordan, which probably means ‘the Descender,’ as it falls some 2,000 ft. in a distance of 100 miles. Among the other streams and mountain torrents in Palestine there are the Kishon, which drains [[Galilee]] westward; the Yarmuk and the Jabbok, which carry the waters of [[Bashan]] and [[Gilead]] into the Jordan; the [[Leontes]] and Orontes, which rise in CCEle-Syria and drain the great basin between [[Lebanon]] and Anti-Lebanon, and the Euphrates, greatest of All, forming the boundary of Palestine on the N.E. </p> <p> The rivers mentioned in apostolic history carry us beyond Palestine. [[Certain]] references to rivers, indeed, are but figures of speech. That alluded to in &nbsp;Acts 16:13 is best identified with the Gangitis, a tributary of the [[Strymon]] near Philippi. On its banks St. Paul and his companions found a place of prayer, with a small building possibly in connexion with it. According to [[Josephus]] (Ant. XIV. x. 23), the decree of [[Halicarnassus]] allowed the [[Jews]] ‘to make their places of prayer by the seashore, according to the custom of their fathers.’ Tertullian (ad Nat. i. 13) also, about a.d. 200, mentions ‘prayers on the shore’ as characteristic of the Jews (cf. &nbsp;Acts 21:5). The Jews in [[Philippi]] at that time were probably too few in number to possess a synagogue. This ‘place of prayer,’ being situated by a river, was convenient for ceremonial washings. In another passage (&nbsp;2 Corinthians 11:26), St. Paul, in illustration of his unflinching [[Christian]] endurance, recounts the perils he had suffered in his missionary journeys from swollen and turbulent ‘rivers,’ which had been treacherous to ford or swim. [[Doubtless]] he had had many hazardous experiences of this character. When the rivers of Asia Minor and Palestine are in flood, to ford them is little less than a tragedy. The rains and melting snows keep most of them bridgeless. </p> <p> Two references in the Book of Revelation are of similar import and may be considered together. In the first (&nbsp;Revelation 8:10), when the third angel sounds, there falls from heaven a great star, burning as a torch, upon the third part of the ‘rivers’ and upon the fountains of waters. The star is called ‘wormwood,’ a bitter drug, typical of [[Divine]] punishment, and regarded as a mortal poison. In the second passage (&nbsp;Revelation 16:4), the third angel pours out his bowl into the ‘rivers’ and fountains of waters, and they become blood. In consequence, there is no more drinking water. All nature is in convulsion, the special object of the [[Apostle]] being to announce the doom of Rome and of the worshippers of the Emperor. </p> <p> There are three other passages in the [[Apocalypse]] which may very appropriately be discussed by themselves. In the first (&nbsp;Revelation 9:14), the sixth angel with the trumpet is bidden to loose the four angels that are bound at ‘the great river Euphrates,’ that they may lead forth a mighty army to the sad disaster of Rome. The Euphrates, which in the olden time had been the ideal eastern boundary of Israel’s territory, is here conceived of as the frontier between Rome and her enemies the Parthians. In a parallel passage (&nbsp;Revelation 16:12) the sixth angel pours out his bowl on the Euphrates, and its waters are dried up that the way may be ready for the kings (of Parthia) to cross over (cf. &nbsp;Revelation 17:12; &nbsp;Revelation 17:16). Both predictions have to do with the Roman [[Empire]] and its fate. In the remaining passage (&nbsp;Revelation 12:15) the dragon casts water out of his mouth ‘as a river’ that the Imperial mistress (Rome) may be carried away as by a deluge. In all these passages the [[Seer]] is attempting to picture the marvellous deliverance of God’s people from their Roman enemies. For the Roman armies under [[Nero]] threatened to sweep away [[Christianity]] in the wreck of the [[Jewish]] nation. </p> <p> The most beautiful reference to ‘rivers’ in the whole Bible is yet to be discussed. It is found in &nbsp;Revelation 22:1-2, ‘And he shewed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the midst of the street thereof. And on this side of the river and on that was the tree of life, bearing twelve manner of fruits, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.’ To the Seer of Patmos, the New [[Jerusalem]] would not be complete without the river of water of life. The original [[Paradise]] (&nbsp;Genesis 2:10) possessed a river, and Paradise Regained must possess one too. Rivers, in the East especially, have the power to turn a wilderness into a garden of beauty and fertility; hence the river is here an apt symbol of life. Its waters are ‘living waters’ (&nbsp;Jeremiah 2:13) and healing (&nbsp;Ezekiel 47:1-12), making ‘glad the city of God’ (&nbsp;Psalms 46:4). In Ezekiel the life-giving stream issued from the Temple; now, inasmuch as the city is all temple, the river’s ultimate source is from the presence of the king. The river and the street run side by side through the city, as the Barada and the street upon its left bank do to-day in the city of Damascus. [[Trees]] of life are placed in rows on either side of the intervening space. Both river and trees are within reach of every one. The river is no longer a mere boundary (&nbsp;Numbers 34:5) or a highway for navigation (&nbsp;Isaiah 18:2), nor are its banks even a place of prayer (&nbsp;Acts 16:13); it is rather a source of spiritual irrigation to immortals. Thus John uses the realistic though archaic language of Jewish piety to delineate the bliss of the [[Redeemed]] in a future state. In his picture the river becomes the symbol of the spiritual happiness of the followers of the Lamb; thus heaven is to possess all that [[Judaism]] had ever claimed or craved. </p> <p> [[George]] L. Robinson. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_53703" /> ==
<p> <strong> [[River]] </strong> . For the meaning and use of <em> ’âphîq, ye’ôr </em> , and <em> nachal </em> , sometimes rendered ‘river,’ see art. Brook. <em> yûbal </em> (&nbsp; Jeremiah 17:8 ), <em> ’ûbal </em> (&nbsp; Daniel 8:2-3; &nbsp; Daniel 8:6 ), are from the root <em> yâbal </em> , ‘to flow.’ <em> peleg </em> , ‘division,’ signifies an artificial water-channel, used for irrigation (&nbsp; Psalms 1:3 etc.), by which the water from cistern or stream is led to the various parts of field, garden, or orchard requiring moisture. It is used poetically of the stream bringing the rain from the great storehouses on high (&nbsp; Psalms 65:9 ). <em> te‘âlâh </em> (&nbsp; Ezekiel 31:4 ) is properly a ‘channel’ or ‘conduit’ (so &nbsp; 2 Kings 18:17; &nbsp; 2 Kings 20:20 , &nbsp; Isaiah 7:3; &nbsp; Isaiah 36:2 , also &nbsp; Job 38:25 RV [Note: Revised Version.] ). The usual word for river in OT is <em> nâhâr </em> (&nbsp; Job 40:23 , &nbsp; Psalms 46:4 etc.). It is often used of rivers that are named: <em> e.g. </em> the rivers of Eden (&nbsp; [[Genesis]] 2:10 etc.), the [[Euphrates]] (&nbsp; Genesis 15:18 etc.), the rivers of [[Damascus]] (&nbsp; 2 Kings 5:12 ). The Euphrates is called ‘ <strong> the river </strong> ’ (&nbsp; Genesis 31:21 etc.), and ‘ <strong> the great river </strong> ’ (&nbsp; Genesis 15:18 , &nbsp; Deuteronomy 1:7 ), a title given also to the [[Tigris]] (&nbsp; Daniel 10:4 ). <em> Aram-naharaim </em> (&nbsp; Psalms 60:1-12 [title], also Heb. &nbsp; Genesis 24:10 , &nbsp; Deuteronomy 23:4 ), ‘Aram [Note: ram Aramaic.] of the two rivers,’ is Mesopotamia. The word appears to have been used like the [[Arab]] [Note: Arabic.] , <em> nahr </em> , only of perennial streams. It is applied, indeed, to the [[Chebar]] (&nbsp; Ezekiel 1:1 ) and the [[Ahava]] (&nbsp; Ezra 8:21 ), while in &nbsp; Psalms 137:1 , &nbsp; Nahum 2:7 , &nbsp; Exodus 7:19; &nbsp; Exodus 8:5 , canals seem to be intended. But in all these cases they were probably not mere temporary conduits, but had become established as permanent sources of supply, so that, as with Chebar and Ahava, they might have names of their own. The NT word is <em> potamos </em> (&nbsp; Mark 1:5 etc.). </p> <p> In the fig. language of [[Scripture]] the rising of a river in flood signifies the furious advance of invading armies (&nbsp;Jeremiah 46:7 f., &nbsp; Jeremiah 47:2 , &nbsp; Isaiah 8:7 ). The trials of affliction are like the passage of dangerous fords (&nbsp; Isaiah 43:2 ). The river is significant of abundance (&nbsp; Job 29:6 etc.), and of the favour of God (&nbsp; Psalms 46:4 ). To the obedient peace is exhaustless as a river (&nbsp; Isaiah 48:18; &nbsp; Isaiah 30:28 ). Prevailing righteousness becomes resistless as an overflowing stream (&nbsp; Amos 5:24 ). </p> <p> Palestine is not rich in rivers in our sense of the term. The Jordan is perhaps the only stream to which we should apply the name. Apart from the larger streams, the <em> wâdy </em> of the mountain is sometimes the <em> nahr </em> of the plain, before it reaches the sea, if in the lower reaches it is perennial. [[Bearing]] the name <em> nahr </em> in modern Palestine, there are: in the [[Philistine]] plain, the <em> Sukreir </em> and the <em> Rûbîn </em> ; to the N. of Jaffa, <em> el-‘Aujâ, el-Fâlik, Eskanderûneh, el-Mefjir, ez-Zerkâ </em> , and <em> ed-Difleh; </em> to the N. of Carmel, <em> el-Muqatta </em> ’ (the ancient Kishon), <em> Na‘mein </em> (the Belus), and <em> Mefsûh </em> . The streams that unite to form the Jordan in the N. are <em> Nahr el-Hasbâni, Nahr el-Leddân </em> , and <em> Nahr Bâniâs </em> . The only <em> nahr </em> flowing into the Jordan from the west is the <em> Jalûd </em> , near Beisân. From the east <em> Nahr Yarmûk </em> drains the <em> Jaulân </em> and <em> Haurân </em> , and at its confluence with the Jordan is almost of equal volume. <em> Nahr ez-Zerkâ </em> is also an important stream, draining a wide region. </p> <p> The rivers are crossed to-day, as in ancient times, almost entirely by fords. When the rivers are in flood, tragedies at the fords are not infrequent. The rivers that open into the [[Mediterranean]] have their main fords at the mouth. The sand washed up by the waves forms a broad bank, over which the water of the stream spreads, making a wide shallow. </p> <p> W. Ewing. </p>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_37219" /> ==
<p> A river in our sense is seen by few in Palestine. </p> <p> '''(1)''' Νahar , "a continuous and full river", as Jordan, and especially "the river" Euphrates. The streams are dried up wholly in summer, or hid by dense shrubs covering a deeply sunk streamlet. When the country was wooded the evaporation was less. </p> <p> '''(2)''' Νahal , "a winter torrent," flowing with force during the rainy season, but leaving only a dry channel or bed in the wady in summer. "Brook" in the KJV has too much the idea of placidity. "Valley" or wady (&nbsp;Numbers 32:9), e.g. "the bed" (or, in winter, "the torrent") of Arnon, Jabbok, Kishon. Some of these are abrupt chasms in the rocky hills, rugged and gloomy, unlike our English "brook." [[Translated]] &nbsp;Job 6:15, "deceitfully as a winter torrent and as the stream in ravines which passes away," namely, in the summer drought, and which disappoint the caravan hoping to find water there. The Arab proverb for a treacherous friend is "I trust not in thy torrent." The fullness and noise of those temporary streams answer to the past large and loud professions; their dryness when wanted answers to the failure of friends to make good their professions in time of need (compare &nbsp;Isaiah 58:11; margin &nbsp;Jeremiah 15:18). </p> <p> '''(3)''' 'Αphik , from a root "to contain"; so "the channels" or "deep rock-walled ravines that hold the waters" (&nbsp;2 Samuel 22:16); so for "rivers" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 32:6) translated "channels." </p> <p> '''(4)''' Υeor , "the river Nile" (&nbsp;Genesis 41:1-2; &nbsp;Exodus 1:22; &nbsp;Exodus 2:3; &nbsp;Exodus 2:5). In &nbsp;Jeremiah 46:7-8; &nbsp;Amos 8:8; &nbsp;Amos 9:5, translated "the river of Egypt" for "flood." The word is Egyptian, "great river" or "canal." The Nile's sacred name was Ηapi , i.e. Αpis . The profane name was Αur with the epithet act "great." &nbsp;Zechariah 10:11, "all the deeps of the river shall dry up," namely, the Nile or else the Euphrates. Thus the Red "sea" and the Euphrates "river" in the former part of the verse answer to "Assyria." and "Egypt" in the latter. </p> <p> '''(5)''' Ρeleg ''(Compare Greek '' pelagos '')'' , from a root "divide," "waters divided", i.e. streams distributed through a land. &nbsp;Psalms 1:3, "a tree planted by the divisions of water," namely, the water from the well or cistern divided into rivulets running along the rows of trees (See [[Reuben]] on &nbsp;Judges 5:15-16, where "divisions" mean "waters divided for irrigation"); but [[Gesenius]] from the root to flow out or bubble up. </p> <p> '''(6)''' Υubal , "a full flowing stream" (&nbsp;Jeremiah 17:8). </p> <p> '''(7)''' "A conduit" or "watercourse" (&nbsp;2 Kings 18:17); tealah . </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_198244" /> ==
<p> &nbsp;Psalm 1:3 (a) The [[Holy]] Spirit is thus described. The child of GOD is planted in the soil for security, close by the water (the river), for inspiration, for refreshing and for the abundant life. (See also &nbsp;Jeremiah 17:8). The river is the Holy Spirit. </p> <p> &nbsp;Psalm 36:8 (a) The blessings of GOD are so abundant, so liberal and so great that no other figure could properly express the value of them. The things that please GOD are revealed to us in His Word. We enter into those pleasures, and our joy is full. </p> <p> &nbsp;Psalm 46:4 (b) This type represents the gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit in all His various activities. He brings joy and life more abundant wherever His ministry is given. </p> <p> &nbsp;Psalm 107:33 (a) This passage is reminding us of the fact that GOD is able to turn blessings into curses. He tells us this very plainly in &nbsp;Malachi 2:2. </p> <p> &nbsp;Isaiah 32:2 (a) In this beautiful way the Lord is telling us of the tremendous and constant blessings which flow to the soul from the living [[Christ]] on the Throne. There is no measuring of His goodness toward us. There is no limit to the supply. (See also &nbsp;Isaiah 33:21; &nbsp;Isaiah 41:18). </p> <p> &nbsp;Isaiah 43:2 (a) Here we see a type of the great volume and avalanche of sorrow and trouble that sometimes overtakes GOD's people. The sorrows like sea billows roll. The flood of adversity overwhelms the heart. Then our Lord promises that we will not be submerged by it. He will preserve us and keep us always. </p> <p> &nbsp;Isaiah 43:19 (a) This beautiful promise of our Lord is to inform us that He has an abundance of remedies for all of our barrenness and fruitlessness. He wants us to take advantage of His rich provisions for our lives, so that we will not be barren nor unfruitful. (See2Pe &nbsp;1:8). </p> <p> &nbsp;Ezekiel 47:5 (b) This is a type of the Holy Spirit issuing out from the door, which is CHRIST, and coming to the ankles, affecting our walk, then to the knees, affecting our prayer life and devotion, then to the loins, affecting our service, and then enveloping us completely so that we are wholly baptized into Him and He completely controls all of us. Where this river flows, there will be life more abundant. Fishermen will be there fishing for souls and there will be a great multitude of fish to be caught or souls to be saved. Also the salt places will be healed and there will be sweet and blessed experiences among GOD's people. </p> <p> &nbsp;John 7:38 (a) Here is a type which represents the gracious spiritual ministry of those who drink in the Holy Spirit, make Him their Lord, and expect Him to fill the life. </p> <p> &nbsp;Revelation 22:1 (b) It is quite evident that this river represents the fullness of the rich blessings of GOD revealed in the fulfillment of His Word as it is ministered to the souls of the saved. It tells of refreshing, of life-giving power, of constant supply, and of sweet fruitfulness. All of these are enjoyed to the full when we are in Heaven. </p>
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_79011" /> ==
<div> '''1: ποταμός ''' (Strong'S #4215 — Noun Masculine — potamos — pot-am-os' ) </div> <p> denotes (a) "a stream," &nbsp;Luke 6:48,49; (b) "a flood or floods," &nbsp;Matthew 7:25,27; (c) "a river," natural, &nbsp;Matthew 3:6 , RV; &nbsp;Mark 1:5; &nbsp;Acts 16:13; &nbsp;2 Corinthians 11:26 , RV (AV, "waters"); &nbsp;Revelation 8:10; &nbsp;9:14; &nbsp;16:4,12; symbolical, &nbsp;Revelation 12:15 (1st part), RV, "river" (AV, "flood"); so &nbsp; Revelation 12:16; &nbsp;22:1,2 (cp. &nbsp; Genesis 2:10; &nbsp;Ezekiel 47 ); figuratively, &nbsp;John 7:38 , "the effects of the operation of the Holy Spirit in and through the believer." See [[Flood]] , WATER. </p> &nbsp;Revelation 12:15Flood
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_17070" /> ==
<p> This word answers in our Bible to various [[Hebrew]] terms, of which the principal are the following: </p> <p> 1. Yeor, an [[Egyptian]] word signifying river. It is always applied to the Nile and its various canals, except in &nbsp;Job 28:10 &nbsp; Daniel 12:5,6,7 &nbsp; 2 . Nahar, applied, like our word river, to constantly flowing streams, such as the Euphrates. In our version this word is sometimes rendered "flood," &nbsp;Joshua 24:2,3 , etc. </p> <p> 3. Nahal, a torrent-bed, or valley through which water flows in the rainy season only, &nbsp;Numbers 34:5 , etc; frequently rendered "brook," &nbsp;Numbers 13:28 &nbsp; Job 6:15 , etc. Such streams are to the orientals striking emblems of inconstancy and faithlessness. [[Flowing]] only in the rainy season, and drying up when the summer heat sets in-and some of them in desert places failing prematurely-they sadly disappoint the thirsty and perhaps perishing traveller who has looked forward to them with longing and with hope, &nbsp;Job 6:15-20 &nbsp; Jeremiah 15:18 . </p> <p> In some passages in our Bible the word "rivers" seems to denote rivulets or canals, to conduct hither and thither small streams of water from a tank or fountain, &nbsp;Ezekiel 31:4 . Such conduits were easily turned by moulding the soil with the foot; and some think this is the idea in &nbsp;Deuteronomy 11:10; "where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot, as a garden of herbs." See also &nbsp;Proverbs 21:1 . </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_74627" /> ==
<p> [[River.]] In the sense in which we employ the word, namely, for a perennial stream of considerable size, a river is a much rarer object in the East than in the West. With the exception of the Jordan and the Litany, the streams of the Holy Land are either entirely dried up in the summer months, converted into hot lanes of glaring stones, or else, reduced to very small streamlets, deeply sunk in a narrow bed, and concealed from view by a dense growth of shrubs. The perennial river is called '''nahar''' by the Hebrews. With the definite article, ''"The River",'' it signifies, invariably, ''The Euphrates.'' &nbsp;Genesis 31:21; &nbsp;Exodus 23:31; &nbsp;Numbers 24:6; &nbsp;2 Samuel 10:16; etc. </p> <p> It is never applied to the fleeting fugitive torrents of Palestine. The term for these is '''nachal''' , for which our translators have used promiscuously, and sometimes almost alternately, ''"Valley" "Brook"'' and ''"River".'' No one of these words expresses the thing intended; but the term "brook" is peculiarly unhappy. Many of the ''Wadys'' of Palestine are deep, abrupt chasms, or rents in the solid rock of-the hills, and have a savage, gloomy aspect, far removed from that of an English [[Brook]] . Unfortunately, our language does not contain any single word which has both the meanings of the Hebrew, '''nachal''' , and its Arabic equivalent, '''wady''' , which can be used, at once, for a dry valley, and for the stream which occasionally flows through it. </p>
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_48602" /> ==
<p> We read of the several rivers in Scripture, even from the garden of Eden. And as in those hot countries nothing was so highly valued, it is no wonder that the sacred writers made use of them so often figuratively. Hence we read of "the river of life, and the river of pleasures," and the like. But the most striking are those expressions in which all the persons of the [[Godhead]] are described under this metaphor. "There is a river, (saith the psalmist) the streams thereof make glad the city of God." (&nbsp;Psalms 46:4) God the Father is thus described, &nbsp;Jeremiah 2:13; &nbsp;Psalms 65:9; God the Son is thus described, &nbsp;Song of Song of [[Solomon]] 4:15; &nbsp;Zechariah 13:1; and God the Holy Ghost, &nbsp;John 7:38 and &nbsp;John 4:14. </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_68383" /> ==
<p> The three principal rivers referred to in scripture are the Nile, the Jordan, and the Euphrates. The word employed for the Nile is <i> yeor, </i> 'a fosse or channel'; for the Jordan and the Euphrates the word used is <i> nahar, </i> 'a river' always supplied with water. The other streams in Palestine, though called 'rivers,' as the Arnon, are torrents running in valleys; for the most part they have water only in the winter, and are then often impassable: these are described by the word <i> nachal. </i> For the symbolical river that Ezekiel saw issuing from the house this latter word is used. &nbsp;Ezekiel 47:5-12 . </p> <p> God will make His people drink of the river of His pleasures, &nbsp;Psalm 36:8; here the word is <i> nachal. </i> In &nbsp;Psalm 46:4 it is <i> nahar. </i> "There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God." It will never run dry. </p>
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_81383" /> ==
<p> The Hebrews give the name of "the river," without any addition, sometimes to the Nile, sometimes to the Euphrates, and sometimes to Jordan. It is the tenor of the discourse that must determine the sense of this vague and uncertain way of speaking. They give also the name of river to brooks and rivulets that are not considerable. The name of river is sometimes given to the sea, &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:8; &nbsp;Psalms 78:16 . It is also used as a symbol for plenty, &nbsp;Job 29:6; &nbsp;Psalms 36:8 . </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_168790" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' v. i.) To hawk by the side of a river; to fly hawks at river fowl. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' n.) One who rives or splits. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' n.) Fig.: A large stream; copious flow; abundance; as, rivers of blood; rivers of oil. </p> <p> '''(4):''' ''' (''' n.) A large stream of water flowing in a bed or channel and emptying into the ocean, a sea, a lake, or another stream; a stream larger than a rivulet or brook. </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_33242" /> ==
<li> 'Ubhal, "a river" (&nbsp;Daniel 8:2 ). <div> <p> '''Copyright Statement''' These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> '''Bibliography Information''' Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'River'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/r/river.html. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_62420" /> ==
<p> RI'VER, n. One who rives or splits. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_7524" /> ==
<p> ''''' riv´ẽr ''''' : </p> <p> (1) The usual word is נהר , <i> ''''' nāhār ''''' </i> (Aramaic נהר , <i> ''''' nehar ''''' </i> (&nbsp; Ezra 4:10 , etc.)), used of the rivers of Eden (&nbsp;Genesis 2:10-14 ), often of the Euphrates (&nbsp;Genesis 15:18 , etc.), of [[Abana]] and [[Pharpar]] (&nbsp;2 Kings 5:12 ), the river of [[Gozan]] (&nbsp;2 Kings 17:6 ), the river Chebar (&nbsp;Ezekiel 1:1 ), the rivers (canals?) of [[Babylon]] (&nbsp;Psalm 137:1 ), the rivers of [[Ethiopia]] (&nbsp;Isaiah 18:1; &nbsp;Zephaniah 3:10 ). Compare <i> '''''nahr''''' </i> , the common Arabic word for "river." </p> <p> (2) יאור , <i> ''''' ye'ōr ''''' </i> , according to <i> Bdb </i> from Egyptian <i> ''''' 'iotr ''''' </i> , <i> ''''' 'io'r ''''' </i> , "watercourse," often of the Nile (&nbsp; Exodus 1:22 , etc.). In &nbsp;Isaiah 19:6 , for מצור יארי , <i> '''''ye'ōrē''''' </i> <i> '''''mācōr''''' </i> , the King James Version "brooks of defense," the Revised Version (British and American) has "streams of Egypt." In &nbsp;Isaiah 19:7 , &nbsp;Isaiah 19:8 , for <i> '''''ye'ōr''''' </i> , the King James Version "brooks," and &nbsp;Zechariah 10:11 , the King James Version "river," the Revised Version (British and American) has "Nile." In &nbsp;Job 28:10 , the King James Version "He cutteth out rivers among the rocks," the Revised Version (British and American) has "channels," the Revised Version margin "passages." </p> <p> (3) There are nearly 100 references to נהל , <i> ''''' naḥal ''''' </i> . In about half of these the King James Version has "brook" and in about half "river." the Revised Version (British and American) has more often "brook" or "valley." But the Revised Version (British and American) has river in "whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers" (&nbsp; Leviticus 11:9 ); "the river Jabbok" (&nbsp;Deuteronomy 2:37; &nbsp;Joshua 12:2 ); the stream issuing from the temple (&nbsp;Ezekiel 47:5-12 ). the Revised Version (British and American) has "brook of Egypt," i.e. <i> '''''el''''' </i> - <i> '''''‛Arı̂sh''''' </i> (&nbsp;Numbers 34:5; &nbsp;Joshua 15:47; &nbsp;1 Kings 8:65; &nbsp;2 Kings 24:7; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 7:8; &nbsp;Amos 6:14 , "of the Arabah"); "brook (the King James Version "river") of Kanah" (&nbsp;Joshua 16:8 ); "valley (the King James Version "river") of the Arnon" (&nbsp;Deuteronomy 2:24 ). English [[Versions]] of the Bible has "valley": of [[Gerar]] (&nbsp;Genesis 26:17 ), of [[Zered]] (&nbsp;Numbers 21:12 ), but "brook Zered" (&nbsp;Deuteronomy 2:13 ), of Eschol (&nbsp;Numbers 32:9 ), of [[Sorek]] (&nbsp;Judges 16:4 ), of [[Shittim]] (&nbsp;Joel 3:18 ). English Versions of the Bible has "brook": [[Besor]] (&nbsp;1 Samuel 30:10 ), [[Kidron]] (&nbsp;2 Samuel 15:23 ), Gaash, (&nbsp;2 Samuel 23:30 ), [[Cherith]] (&nbsp;1 Kings 17:3 ); also the feminine נחלה , <i> '''''naḥălāh''''' </i> , "brook (the King James Version "river") of Egypt" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 47:19; &nbsp;Ezekiel 48:28 ). The torrent-valley ( <i> '''''wâdy''''' </i> ) is often meant. </p> <p> (4) פּלג , <i> ''''' pelegh ''''' </i> , with feminine פּלגּה , <i> ''''' pelaggāh ''''' </i> , the King James Version "river," is in the Revised Version (British and American) translated "stream," except English Versions of the Bible "river of God" (&nbsp; Psalm 65:9 ); "streams of water" (&nbsp;Psalm 1:3; &nbsp;Proverbs 5:16; &nbsp;Isaiah 32:2; &nbsp;Lamentations 3:48 ); "streams of honey" (&nbsp;Job 20:17 ); "streams of oil" (&nbsp;Job 29:6 ). </p> <p> (5) אפיק , <i> ''''' 'aphı̄ḳ ''''' </i> , the King James Version "river," except English Versions of the Bible "water brooks" (&nbsp; Psalm 42:1 ), is in the Revised Version (British and American) "watercourses" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 6:3; &nbsp;Ezekiel 31:12; &nbsp;Ezekiel 32:6; &nbsp;Ezekiel 34:13; &nbsp;Ezekiel 35:8; &nbsp;Ezekiel 36:4 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 36:6 ), "water-brooks" (&nbsp;Song of Solomon 5:12; &nbsp;Joel 1:20 ). </p> <p> (6) יוּבל , <i> ''''' yūbhal ''''' </i> , English Versions of the Bible "river" (&nbsp; Jeremiah 17:8 ). אבל , <i> ''''''ubhāl''''' </i> , and אוּבל , <i> ''''''ūbhāl''''' </i> , English Versions of the Bible "river" (&nbsp;Daniel 8:2 , &nbsp;Daniel 8:3 , &nbsp;Daniel 8:6 ). </p> <p> (7) ποταμός , <i> ''''' potamós ''''' </i> : of the Jordan (&nbsp; Mark 1:5 ); Euphrates (&nbsp;Revelation 9:14 ); "rivers of living water" (&nbsp;John 7:38 ); "river of water of life" (&nbsp;Revelation 22:1 ). So always in Greek for "river" in the Revised Version (British and American) [[Apocrypha]] (1 [[Esdras]] 4:23, etc.). See Brook; [[Stream]]; [[Valley]] . </p>
==References ==

River <ref name="term_57130" />
<ref name="term_57129"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-new-testament/river River from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<p> <b> [[River]] </b> <b> ( </b> ποταμός).—‘River’ (&nbsp;Mark 1:5 etc.), ‘flood’ (&nbsp;Matthew 7:25), ‘stream’ (&nbsp;Luke 6:48), and ‘waters’ (&nbsp;2 Corinthians 11:26) stand for the same Greek word ποταμός. ‘Stream’ in &nbsp;Luke 6:48 corresponds to ‘flood’ in &nbsp;Matthew 7:25. </p> <p> The [[Jordan]] is the one true river in Palestine. The name occurs frequently in the Gospels, but only once connected with ‘river’ (&nbsp;Mark 1:5). See Jordan. </p> <p> The ‘ <b> stream </b> ’ (&nbsp;Luke 6:48) or ‘flood’ (&nbsp;Matthew 7:25) is evidently the rushing torrent raised by wintry rains. From &nbsp;Revelation 12:15-16 we gather that ποταμός may signify any great volume of water rolling over the land. St. Paul’s ‘perils of rivers’ (&nbsp;1 Corinthians 11:26) were doubtless such as the Eastern traveller has perpetually to face in fording bridgeless streams in times of rain and melting snow. </p> <p> To one reared in Palestine, where only water is required to turn the wilderness into a garden, a river, with its beautifying and fertilizing power, might well seem an apt symbol of life (&nbsp;Revelation 22:1-2). </p> <p> [[W.]] Ewing. </p>
<ref name="term_53703"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-bible/river River from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
== References ==
<ref name="term_37219"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/fausset-s-bible-dictionary/river River from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_57130"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-new-testament/river+(2) River from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<ref name="term_198244"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/wilson-s-dictionary-of-bible-types/river River from Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types]</ref>
<ref name="term_79011"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/vine-s-expository-dictionary-of-nt-words/river River from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_17070"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/american-tract-society-bible-dictionary/river River from American Tract Society Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_74627"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/smith-s-bible-dictionary/river River from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_48602"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hawker-s-poor-man-s-concordance-and-dictionary/river River from Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_68383"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/morrish-bible-dictionary/river River from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_81383"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/watson-s-biblical-theological-dictionary/river River from Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_168790"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/river River from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_33242"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/easton-s-bible-dictionary/river River from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_62420"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/river River from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_7524"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/river River from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>

Revision as of 09:57, 13 October 2021

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [1]

(ποταμός,  Acts 16:13,  2 Corinthians 11:26,  Revelation 8:10;  Revelation 9:14;  Revelation 12:15;  Revelation 16:4;  Revelation 16:12;  Revelation 22:1-2; the references to rivers in the Gospels are even fewer [cf.  Matthew 7:25,  Mark 1:5,  Luke 6:48  John 7:38])

The Jordan is the only river in Palestine proper, worthy of the name. It is rightly called the Jordan, which probably means ‘the Descender,’ as it falls some 2,000 ft. in a distance of 100 miles. Among the other streams and mountain torrents in Palestine there are the Kishon, which drains Galilee westward; the Yarmuk and the Jabbok, which carry the waters of Bashan and Gilead into the Jordan; the Leontes and Orontes, which rise in CCEle-Syria and drain the great basin between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, and the Euphrates, greatest of All, forming the boundary of Palestine on the N.E.

The rivers mentioned in apostolic history carry us beyond Palestine. Certain references to rivers, indeed, are but figures of speech. That alluded to in  Acts 16:13 is best identified with the Gangitis, a tributary of the Strymon near Philippi. On its banks St. Paul and his companions found a place of prayer, with a small building possibly in connexion with it. According to Josephus (Ant. XIV. x. 23), the decree of Halicarnassus allowed the Jews ‘to make their places of prayer by the seashore, according to the custom of their fathers.’ Tertullian (ad Nat. i. 13) also, about a.d. 200, mentions ‘prayers on the shore’ as characteristic of the Jews (cf.  Acts 21:5). The Jews in Philippi at that time were probably too few in number to possess a synagogue. This ‘place of prayer,’ being situated by a river, was convenient for ceremonial washings. In another passage ( 2 Corinthians 11:26), St. Paul, in illustration of his unflinching Christian endurance, recounts the perils he had suffered in his missionary journeys from swollen and turbulent ‘rivers,’ which had been treacherous to ford or swim. Doubtless he had had many hazardous experiences of this character. When the rivers of Asia Minor and Palestine are in flood, to ford them is little less than a tragedy. The rains and melting snows keep most of them bridgeless.

Two references in the Book of Revelation are of similar import and may be considered together. In the first ( Revelation 8:10), when the third angel sounds, there falls from heaven a great star, burning as a torch, upon the third part of the ‘rivers’ and upon the fountains of waters. The star is called ‘wormwood,’ a bitter drug, typical of Divine punishment, and regarded as a mortal poison. In the second passage ( Revelation 16:4), the third angel pours out his bowl into the ‘rivers’ and fountains of waters, and they become blood. In consequence, there is no more drinking water. All nature is in convulsion, the special object of the Apostle being to announce the doom of Rome and of the worshippers of the Emperor.

There are three other passages in the Apocalypse which may very appropriately be discussed by themselves. In the first ( Revelation 9:14), the sixth angel with the trumpet is bidden to loose the four angels that are bound at ‘the great river Euphrates,’ that they may lead forth a mighty army to the sad disaster of Rome. The Euphrates, which in the olden time had been the ideal eastern boundary of Israel’s territory, is here conceived of as the frontier between Rome and her enemies the Parthians. In a parallel passage ( Revelation 16:12) the sixth angel pours out his bowl on the Euphrates, and its waters are dried up that the way may be ready for the kings (of Parthia) to cross over (cf.  Revelation 17:12;  Revelation 17:16). Both predictions have to do with the Roman Empire and its fate. In the remaining passage ( Revelation 12:15) the dragon casts water out of his mouth ‘as a river’ that the Imperial mistress (Rome) may be carried away as by a deluge. In all these passages the Seer is attempting to picture the marvellous deliverance of God’s people from their Roman enemies. For the Roman armies under Nero threatened to sweep away Christianity in the wreck of the Jewish nation.

The most beautiful reference to ‘rivers’ in the whole Bible is yet to be discussed. It is found in  Revelation 22:1-2, ‘And he shewed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the midst of the street thereof. And on this side of the river and on that was the tree of life, bearing twelve manner of fruits, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.’ To the Seer of Patmos, the New Jerusalem would not be complete without the river of water of life. The original Paradise ( Genesis 2:10) possessed a river, and Paradise Regained must possess one too. Rivers, in the East especially, have the power to turn a wilderness into a garden of beauty and fertility; hence the river is here an apt symbol of life. Its waters are ‘living waters’ ( Jeremiah 2:13) and healing ( Ezekiel 47:1-12), making ‘glad the city of God’ ( Psalms 46:4). In Ezekiel the life-giving stream issued from the Temple; now, inasmuch as the city is all temple, the river’s ultimate source is from the presence of the king. The river and the street run side by side through the city, as the Barada and the street upon its left bank do to-day in the city of Damascus. Trees of life are placed in rows on either side of the intervening space. Both river and trees are within reach of every one. The river is no longer a mere boundary ( Numbers 34:5) or a highway for navigation ( Isaiah 18:2), nor are its banks even a place of prayer ( Acts 16:13); it is rather a source of spiritual irrigation to immortals. Thus John uses the realistic though archaic language of Jewish piety to delineate the bliss of the Redeemed in a future state. In his picture the river becomes the symbol of the spiritual happiness of the followers of the Lamb; thus heaven is to possess all that Judaism had ever claimed or craved.

George L. Robinson.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

River . For the meaning and use of ’âphîq, ye’ôr , and nachal , sometimes rendered ‘river,’ see art. Brook. yûbal (  Jeremiah 17:8 ), ’ûbal (  Daniel 8:2-3;   Daniel 8:6 ), are from the root yâbal , ‘to flow.’ peleg , ‘division,’ signifies an artificial water-channel, used for irrigation (  Psalms 1:3 etc.), by which the water from cistern or stream is led to the various parts of field, garden, or orchard requiring moisture. It is used poetically of the stream bringing the rain from the great storehouses on high (  Psalms 65:9 ). te‘âlâh (  Ezekiel 31:4 ) is properly a ‘channel’ or ‘conduit’ (so   2 Kings 18:17;   2 Kings 20:20 ,   Isaiah 7:3;   Isaiah 36:2 , also   Job 38:25 RV [Note: Revised Version.] ). The usual word for river in OT is nâhâr (  Job 40:23 ,   Psalms 46:4 etc.). It is often used of rivers that are named: e.g. the rivers of Eden (  Genesis 2:10 etc.), the Euphrates (  Genesis 15:18 etc.), the rivers of Damascus (  2 Kings 5:12 ). The Euphrates is called ‘ the river ’ (  Genesis 31:21 etc.), and ‘ the great river ’ (  Genesis 15:18 ,   Deuteronomy 1:7 ), a title given also to the Tigris (  Daniel 10:4 ). Aram-naharaim (  Psalms 60:1-12 [title], also Heb.   Genesis 24:10 ,   Deuteronomy 23:4 ), ‘Aram [Note: ram Aramaic.] of the two rivers,’ is Mesopotamia. The word appears to have been used like the Arab [Note: Arabic.] , nahr , only of perennial streams. It is applied, indeed, to the Chebar (  Ezekiel 1:1 ) and the Ahava (  Ezra 8:21 ), while in   Psalms 137:1 ,   Nahum 2:7 ,   Exodus 7:19;   Exodus 8:5 , canals seem to be intended. But in all these cases they were probably not mere temporary conduits, but had become established as permanent sources of supply, so that, as with Chebar and Ahava, they might have names of their own. The NT word is potamos (  Mark 1:5 etc.).

In the fig. language of Scripture the rising of a river in flood signifies the furious advance of invading armies ( Jeremiah 46:7 f.,   Jeremiah 47:2 ,   Isaiah 8:7 ). The trials of affliction are like the passage of dangerous fords (  Isaiah 43:2 ). The river is significant of abundance (  Job 29:6 etc.), and of the favour of God (  Psalms 46:4 ). To the obedient peace is exhaustless as a river (  Isaiah 48:18;   Isaiah 30:28 ). Prevailing righteousness becomes resistless as an overflowing stream (  Amos 5:24 ).

Palestine is not rich in rivers in our sense of the term. The Jordan is perhaps the only stream to which we should apply the name. Apart from the larger streams, the wâdy of the mountain is sometimes the nahr of the plain, before it reaches the sea, if in the lower reaches it is perennial. Bearing the name nahr in modern Palestine, there are: in the Philistine plain, the Sukreir and the Rûbîn  ; to the N. of Jaffa, el-‘Aujâ, el-Fâlik, Eskanderûneh, el-Mefjir, ez-Zerkâ , and ed-Difleh; to the N. of Carmel, el-Muqatta ’ (the ancient Kishon), Na‘mein (the Belus), and Mefsûh . The streams that unite to form the Jordan in the N. are Nahr el-Hasbâni, Nahr el-Leddân , and Nahr Bâniâs . The only nahr flowing into the Jordan from the west is the Jalûd , near Beisân. From the east Nahr Yarmûk drains the Jaulân and Haurân , and at its confluence with the Jordan is almost of equal volume. Nahr ez-Zerkâ is also an important stream, draining a wide region.

The rivers are crossed to-day, as in ancient times, almost entirely by fords. When the rivers are in flood, tragedies at the fords are not infrequent. The rivers that open into the Mediterranean have their main fords at the mouth. The sand washed up by the waves forms a broad bank, over which the water of the stream spreads, making a wide shallow.

W. Ewing.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [3]

A river in our sense is seen by few in Palestine.

(1) Νahar , "a continuous and full river", as Jordan, and especially "the river" Euphrates. The streams are dried up wholly in summer, or hid by dense shrubs covering a deeply sunk streamlet. When the country was wooded the evaporation was less.

(2) Νahal , "a winter torrent," flowing with force during the rainy season, but leaving only a dry channel or bed in the wady in summer. "Brook" in the KJV has too much the idea of placidity. "Valley" or wady ( Numbers 32:9), e.g. "the bed" (or, in winter, "the torrent") of Arnon, Jabbok, Kishon. Some of these are abrupt chasms in the rocky hills, rugged and gloomy, unlike our English "brook." Translated  Job 6:15, "deceitfully as a winter torrent and as the stream in ravines which passes away," namely, in the summer drought, and which disappoint the caravan hoping to find water there. The Arab proverb for a treacherous friend is "I trust not in thy torrent." The fullness and noise of those temporary streams answer to the past large and loud professions; their dryness when wanted answers to the failure of friends to make good their professions in time of need (compare  Isaiah 58:11; margin  Jeremiah 15:18).

(3) 'Αphik , from a root "to contain"; so "the channels" or "deep rock-walled ravines that hold the waters" ( 2 Samuel 22:16); so for "rivers" ( Ezekiel 32:6) translated "channels."

(4) Υeor , "the river Nile" ( Genesis 41:1-2;  Exodus 1:22;  Exodus 2:3;  Exodus 2:5). In  Jeremiah 46:7-8;  Amos 8:8;  Amos 9:5, translated "the river of Egypt" for "flood." The word is Egyptian, "great river" or "canal." The Nile's sacred name was Ηapi , i.e. Αpis . The profane name was Αur with the epithet act "great."  Zechariah 10:11, "all the deeps of the river shall dry up," namely, the Nile or else the Euphrates. Thus the Red "sea" and the Euphrates "river" in the former part of the verse answer to "Assyria." and "Egypt" in the latter.

(5) Ρeleg (Compare Greek pelagos ) , from a root "divide," "waters divided", i.e. streams distributed through a land.  Psalms 1:3, "a tree planted by the divisions of water," namely, the water from the well or cistern divided into rivulets running along the rows of trees (See Reuben on  Judges 5:15-16, where "divisions" mean "waters divided for irrigation"); but Gesenius from the root to flow out or bubble up.

(6) Υubal , "a full flowing stream" ( Jeremiah 17:8).

(7) "A conduit" or "watercourse" ( 2 Kings 18:17); tealah .

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [4]

 Psalm 1:3 (a) The Holy Spirit is thus described. The child of GOD is planted in the soil for security, close by the water (the river), for inspiration, for refreshing and for the abundant life. (See also  Jeremiah 17:8). The river is the Holy Spirit.

 Psalm 36:8 (a) The blessings of GOD are so abundant, so liberal and so great that no other figure could properly express the value of them. The things that please GOD are revealed to us in His Word. We enter into those pleasures, and our joy is full.

 Psalm 46:4 (b) This type represents the gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit in all His various activities. He brings joy and life more abundant wherever His ministry is given.

 Psalm 107:33 (a) This passage is reminding us of the fact that GOD is able to turn blessings into curses. He tells us this very plainly in  Malachi 2:2.

 Isaiah 32:2 (a) In this beautiful way the Lord is telling us of the tremendous and constant blessings which flow to the soul from the living Christ on the Throne. There is no measuring of His goodness toward us. There is no limit to the supply. (See also  Isaiah 33:21;  Isaiah 41:18).

 Isaiah 43:2 (a) Here we see a type of the great volume and avalanche of sorrow and trouble that sometimes overtakes GOD's people. The sorrows like sea billows roll. The flood of adversity overwhelms the heart. Then our Lord promises that we will not be submerged by it. He will preserve us and keep us always.

 Isaiah 43:19 (a) This beautiful promise of our Lord is to inform us that He has an abundance of remedies for all of our barrenness and fruitlessness. He wants us to take advantage of His rich provisions for our lives, so that we will not be barren nor unfruitful. (See2Pe  1:8).

 Ezekiel 47:5 (b) This is a type of the Holy Spirit issuing out from the door, which is CHRIST, and coming to the ankles, affecting our walk, then to the knees, affecting our prayer life and devotion, then to the loins, affecting our service, and then enveloping us completely so that we are wholly baptized into Him and He completely controls all of us. Where this river flows, there will be life more abundant. Fishermen will be there fishing for souls and there will be a great multitude of fish to be caught or souls to be saved. Also the salt places will be healed and there will be sweet and blessed experiences among GOD's people.

 John 7:38 (a) Here is a type which represents the gracious spiritual ministry of those who drink in the Holy Spirit, make Him their Lord, and expect Him to fill the life.

 Revelation 22:1 (b) It is quite evident that this river represents the fullness of the rich blessings of GOD revealed in the fulfillment of His Word as it is ministered to the souls of the saved. It tells of refreshing, of life-giving power, of constant supply, and of sweet fruitfulness. All of these are enjoyed to the full when we are in Heaven.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [5]

1: ποταμός (Strong'S #4215 — Noun Masculine — potamos — pot-am-os' )

denotes (a) "a stream,"  Luke 6:48,49; (b) "a flood or floods,"  Matthew 7:25,27; (c) "a river," natural,  Matthew 3:6 , RV;  Mark 1:5;  Acts 16:13;  2 Corinthians 11:26 , RV (AV, "waters");  Revelation 8:10;  9:14;  16:4,12; symbolical,  Revelation 12:15 (1st part), RV, "river" (AV, "flood"); so   Revelation 12:16;  22:1,2 (cp.   Genesis 2:10;  Ezekiel 47 ); figuratively,  John 7:38 , "the effects of the operation of the Holy Spirit in and through the believer." See Flood , WATER.

 Revelation 12:15Flood

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [6]

This word answers in our Bible to various Hebrew terms, of which the principal are the following:

1. Yeor, an Egyptian word signifying river. It is always applied to the Nile and its various canals, except in  Job 28:10   Daniel 12:5,6,7   2 . Nahar, applied, like our word river, to constantly flowing streams, such as the Euphrates. In our version this word is sometimes rendered "flood,"  Joshua 24:2,3 , etc.

3. Nahal, a torrent-bed, or valley through which water flows in the rainy season only,  Numbers 34:5 , etc; frequently rendered "brook,"  Numbers 13:28   Job 6:15 , etc. Such streams are to the orientals striking emblems of inconstancy and faithlessness. Flowing only in the rainy season, and drying up when the summer heat sets in-and some of them in desert places failing prematurely-they sadly disappoint the thirsty and perhaps perishing traveller who has looked forward to them with longing and with hope,  Job 6:15-20   Jeremiah 15:18 .

In some passages in our Bible the word "rivers" seems to denote rivulets or canals, to conduct hither and thither small streams of water from a tank or fountain,  Ezekiel 31:4 . Such conduits were easily turned by moulding the soil with the foot; and some think this is the idea in  Deuteronomy 11:10; "where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot, as a garden of herbs." See also  Proverbs 21:1 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [7]

River. In the sense in which we employ the word, namely, for a perennial stream of considerable size, a river is a much rarer object in the East than in the West. With the exception of the Jordan and the Litany, the streams of the Holy Land are either entirely dried up in the summer months, converted into hot lanes of glaring stones, or else, reduced to very small streamlets, deeply sunk in a narrow bed, and concealed from view by a dense growth of shrubs. The perennial river is called nahar by the Hebrews. With the definite article, "The River", it signifies, invariably, The Euphrates.  Genesis 31:21;  Exodus 23:31;  Numbers 24:6;  2 Samuel 10:16; etc.

It is never applied to the fleeting fugitive torrents of Palestine. The term for these is nachal , for which our translators have used promiscuously, and sometimes almost alternately, "Valley" "Brook" and "River". No one of these words expresses the thing intended; but the term "brook" is peculiarly unhappy. Many of the Wadys of Palestine are deep, abrupt chasms, or rents in the solid rock of-the hills, and have a savage, gloomy aspect, far removed from that of an English Brook . Unfortunately, our language does not contain any single word which has both the meanings of the Hebrew, nachal , and its Arabic equivalent, wady , which can be used, at once, for a dry valley, and for the stream which occasionally flows through it.

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [8]

We read of the several rivers in Scripture, even from the garden of Eden. And as in those hot countries nothing was so highly valued, it is no wonder that the sacred writers made use of them so often figuratively. Hence we read of "the river of life, and the river of pleasures," and the like. But the most striking are those expressions in which all the persons of the Godhead are described under this metaphor. "There is a river, (saith the psalmist) the streams thereof make glad the city of God." ( Psalms 46:4) God the Father is thus described,  Jeremiah 2:13;  Psalms 65:9; God the Son is thus described,  Song of Song of Solomon 4:15;  Zechariah 13:1; and God the Holy Ghost,  John 7:38 and  John 4:14.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [9]

The three principal rivers referred to in scripture are the Nile, the Jordan, and the Euphrates. The word employed for the Nile is yeor, 'a fosse or channel'; for the Jordan and the Euphrates the word used is nahar, 'a river' always supplied with water. The other streams in Palestine, though called 'rivers,' as the Arnon, are torrents running in valleys; for the most part they have water only in the winter, and are then often impassable: these are described by the word nachal. For the symbolical river that Ezekiel saw issuing from the house this latter word is used.  Ezekiel 47:5-12 .

God will make His people drink of the river of His pleasures,  Psalm 36:8; here the word is nachal. In  Psalm 46:4 it is nahar. "There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God." It will never run dry.

Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [10]

The Hebrews give the name of "the river," without any addition, sometimes to the Nile, sometimes to the Euphrates, and sometimes to Jordan. It is the tenor of the discourse that must determine the sense of this vague and uncertain way of speaking. They give also the name of river to brooks and rivulets that are not considerable. The name of river is sometimes given to the sea,  Habakkuk 3:8;  Psalms 78:16 . It is also used as a symbol for plenty,  Job 29:6;  Psalms 36:8 .

Webster's Dictionary [11]

(1): ( v. i.) To hawk by the side of a river; to fly hawks at river fowl.

(2): ( n.) One who rives or splits.

(3): ( n.) Fig.: A large stream; copious flow; abundance; as, rivers of blood; rivers of oil.

(4): ( n.) A large stream of water flowing in a bed or channel and emptying into the ocean, a sea, a lake, or another stream; a stream larger than a rivulet or brook.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [12]

  • 'Ubhal, "a river" ( Daniel 8:2 ).

    Copyright Statement These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain.

    Bibliography Information Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'River'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/r/river.html. 1897.

  • King James Dictionary [13]

    RI'VER, n. One who rives or splits.

    International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [14]

    riv´ẽr  :

    (1) The usual word is נהר , nāhār (Aramaic נהר , nehar (  Ezra 4:10 , etc.)), used of the rivers of Eden ( Genesis 2:10-14 ), often of the Euphrates ( Genesis 15:18 , etc.), of Abana and Pharpar ( 2 Kings 5:12 ), the river of Gozan ( 2 Kings 17:6 ), the river Chebar ( Ezekiel 1:1 ), the rivers (canals?) of Babylon ( Psalm 137:1 ), the rivers of Ethiopia ( Isaiah 18:1;  Zephaniah 3:10 ). Compare nahr , the common Arabic word for "river."

    (2) יאור , ye'ōr , according to Bdb from Egyptian 'iotr , 'io'r , "watercourse," often of the Nile (  Exodus 1:22 , etc.). In  Isaiah 19:6 , for מצור יארי , ye'ōrē mācōr , the King James Version "brooks of defense," the Revised Version (British and American) has "streams of Egypt." In  Isaiah 19:7 ,  Isaiah 19:8 , for ye'ōr , the King James Version "brooks," and  Zechariah 10:11 , the King James Version "river," the Revised Version (British and American) has "Nile." In  Job 28:10 , the King James Version "He cutteth out rivers among the rocks," the Revised Version (British and American) has "channels," the Revised Version margin "passages."

    (3) There are nearly 100 references to נהל , naḥal . In about half of these the King James Version has "brook" and in about half "river." the Revised Version (British and American) has more often "brook" or "valley." But the Revised Version (British and American) has river in "whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers" (  Leviticus 11:9 ); "the river Jabbok" ( Deuteronomy 2:37;  Joshua 12:2 ); the stream issuing from the temple ( Ezekiel 47:5-12 ). the Revised Version (British and American) has "brook of Egypt," i.e. el - ‛Arı̂sh ( Numbers 34:5;  Joshua 15:47;  1 Kings 8:65;  2 Kings 24:7;  2 Chronicles 7:8;  Amos 6:14 , "of the Arabah"); "brook (the King James Version "river") of Kanah" ( Joshua 16:8 ); "valley (the King James Version "river") of the Arnon" ( Deuteronomy 2:24 ). English Versions of the Bible has "valley": of Gerar ( Genesis 26:17 ), of Zered ( Numbers 21:12 ), but "brook Zered" ( Deuteronomy 2:13 ), of Eschol ( Numbers 32:9 ), of Sorek ( Judges 16:4 ), of Shittim ( Joel 3:18 ). English Versions of the Bible has "brook": Besor ( 1 Samuel 30:10 ), Kidron ( 2 Samuel 15:23 ), Gaash, ( 2 Samuel 23:30 ), Cherith ( 1 Kings 17:3 ); also the feminine נחלה , naḥălāh , "brook (the King James Version "river") of Egypt" ( Ezekiel 47:19;  Ezekiel 48:28 ). The torrent-valley ( wâdy ) is often meant.

    (4) פּלג , pelegh , with feminine פּלגּה , pelaggāh , the King James Version "river," is in the Revised Version (British and American) translated "stream," except English Versions of the Bible "river of God" (  Psalm 65:9 ); "streams of water" ( Psalm 1:3;  Proverbs 5:16;  Isaiah 32:2;  Lamentations 3:48 ); "streams of honey" ( Job 20:17 ); "streams of oil" ( Job 29:6 ).

    (5) אפיק , 'aphı̄ḳ , the King James Version "river," except English Versions of the Bible "water brooks" (  Psalm 42:1 ), is in the Revised Version (British and American) "watercourses" ( Ezekiel 6:3;  Ezekiel 31:12;  Ezekiel 32:6;  Ezekiel 34:13;  Ezekiel 35:8;  Ezekiel 36:4 ,  Ezekiel 36:6 ), "water-brooks" ( Song of Solomon 5:12;  Joel 1:20 ).

    (6) יוּבל , yūbhal , English Versions of the Bible "river" (  Jeremiah 17:8 ). אבל , 'ubhāl , and אוּבל , 'ūbhāl , English Versions of the Bible "river" ( Daniel 8:2 ,  Daniel 8:3 ,  Daniel 8:6 ).

    (7) ποταμός , potamós  : of the Jordan (  Mark 1:5 ); Euphrates ( Revelation 9:14 ); "rivers of living water" ( John 7:38 ); "river of water of life" ( Revelation 22:1 ). So always in Greek for "river" in the Revised Version (British and American) Apocrypha (1 Esdras 4:23, etc.). See Brook; Stream; Valley .
