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== King James [[Dictionary]] == <p> BALD, a. bauld. </p> 1. [[Destitute]] of hair, especially on the top and back of the head. 2. Destitute of the natural covering as a bald oak. 3. [[Without]] feathers on the head as a bald vulture. 4. Destitute of trees on the top as a bald mountain. 5. Unadorned inelegant as a bald translation. 6. [[Mean]] naked base without dignity or value. 7. In popular language, open, bold, audacious. 8. Without beard or awn as bald wheat. == Webster's Dictionary == <p> (1): </p> <p> (a.) Destitute of ornament; unadorned; bare; literal. </p> <p> (2): </p> <p> (a.) Destitute of a beard or awn; as, bald wheat. </p> <p> (3): </p> <p> (a.) Destitute of the natural covering. </p> <p> (4): </p> <p> (a.) Destitute of the natural or common covering on the head or top, as of hair, feathers, foliage, trees, etc.; as, a bald head; a bald oak. </p> <p> (5): </p> <p> (a.) Destitute of dignity or value; paltry; mean. </p> <p> (6): </p> <p> (a.) Undisguised. </p> <p> (7): </p> <p> (a.) [[Marked]] with a white spot on the head; bald-faced. </p> == Wilson's Dictionary of [[Bible]] [[Types]] == <p> Deuteronomy 14:1 (a) [[Baldness]] in this [[Scripture]] would indicate that the people were opposed to GOD's judgments and GOD's dealings and would prove it to others by making themselves bald. (See also Isaiah 22:12). </p> <p> Isaiah 3:24 (a) This is a sign that GOD had forsaken His people and left them to the will of their enemies. (See also Jeremiah 47:5; Isaiah 15:2; Ezekiel 7:18). </p> <p> Jeremiah 16:6 (b) This is a type of despair in sorrow for which there is no remedy. </p> <p> Jeremiah 48:37 (b) This represents great sorrow and deep grief; the loss of the hair being used as a type of long, weary lamenting. </p> == [[Cyclopedia]] of Biblical, [[Theological]] and [[Ecclesiastical]] Literature == <p> (prop. קָרֵחִ, kare'ach, naturally bare of hair on the top or back of the head; Sept. φαλακρός; different was the גַּבֵּחִ, gibbe'ach, diseased loss of hair on forehead, Leviticus 13:41; Sept. ἀναφάλαντος ). There are two kinds of baldness, viz., artificial and natural, The latter seems to have been uncommon, since it exposed people to public derision, and is perpetually alluded to as a mark of squalor and misery (2 Kings 2:23; Isaiah 3:24, "instead of well-set hair, baldness, and burning instead of beauty." </p> <p> Isaiah 15:2; Jeremiah 47:5; Ezekiel 7:18, etc.). For this reason it seems to have been included under the "scab" and "scurf" (Leviticus 21:20, perhaps i.q. dandruff), which were disqualifications for priesthood (Mishna, Berachoth, 7:2). In Leviticus 13:29 sq., very careful directions are given to distinguish the scall (בֹּהִק, bohak', freckled spot," Leviticus 13:39), described as "a plague (נֵגִע, ne'ga, stroke) upon the head and beard" (which probably is the [[Mentagra]] of Pliny, and is a sort of leprosy), from mere natural baldness which is pronounced to be clean, v. 40 (Jahn, Bibl. Arch. 189). (See [[Leprosy]]). But this shows that even natural baldness subjected men to an unpleasant suspicion. It was a defect with which the [[Israelites]] were by no means familiar, since the [[Egyptians]] were very rarely subject to it, according to [[Herodotus]] (in, 12); an immunity which he attributes to their constant shaving. They adopted this practice for purposes of cleanliness, and generally wore wigs, some of which have been found in the ruins of Thebes. [[Contrary]] to the general practice of the East, they only let the hair grow as a sign of mourning (Herod. 2:36), and shaved themselves on all joyous occasions; hence in [[Genesis]] 41:44, we have an undesigned coincidence. The same custom obtains in [[China]] and among the modern Egyptians, who shave off all the hair except the shoosheh, a tuft on the forehead and crown of the head (Wilkinson, Anc. Egypt. 3, 359 sq.; Lane, Mod. Egypt. 1, ch. 1). Baldness was despised both among [[Greeks]] and Romans. In [[Homer]] (Il. 2:219) it is one of the defects of Thersites; [[Aristophanes]] (who was probably bald himself, Par, 767; Eq. 550) takes pride in not joining in the ridicule against it (Nub. 540). [[Caesar]] was said to have had some deformity of this sort, and he generally endeavored to conceal it (Suet. Caes. 45; comp. Dom. 18). </p> <p> [[Artificial]] baldness marked the conclusion of a Nazarite's vow (Acts 18:18; Numbers 6:9), and was a sign of mourning (Cic. Tusc. Disp. 3, 26). It is often alluded to in Scripture, as in Micah 1:16; Amos 8:10; Jeremiah 47:5, etc.; and in Deuteronomy 14:1, the reason for its being forbidden to the Israelites is their being "a holy and peculiar people" (comp. Leviticus 19:27, and Jeremiah 9:26, marg.). The practices alluded to in the latter passages were adopted by heathen nations (e.g. the Arabs, etc.) in honor of various gods. The Abantes and other half-civilized tribes shaved off the forelocks, to avoid the danger of being seized by them in battle (Herod. 2:36; 1:82). (See [[Hair]]). </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197475" /> ==
<p> &nbsp;Deuteronomy 14:1 (a) [[Baldness]] in this [[Scripture]] would indicate that the people were opposed to GOD's judgments and GOD's dealings and would prove it to others by making themselves bald. (See also &nbsp;Isaiah 22:12). </p> <p> &nbsp;Isaiah 3:24 (a) This is a sign that [[God]] had forsaken His people and left them to the will of their enemies. (See also &nbsp;Jeremiah 47:5; &nbsp;Isaiah 15:2; &nbsp;Ezekiel 7:18). </p> <p> &nbsp;Jeremiah 16:6 (b) This is a type of despair in sorrow for which there is no remedy. </p> <p> &nbsp;Jeremiah 48:37 (b) This represents great sorrow and deep grief; the loss of the hair being used as a type of long, weary lamenting. </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_90748" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' (a.) [[Destitute]] of ornament; unadorned; bare; literal. </p> <p> '''(2):''' (a.) Destitute of a beard or awn; as, bald wheat. </p> <p> '''(3):''' (a.) Destitute of the natural covering. </p> <p> '''(4):''' (a.) Destitute of the natural or common covering on the head or top, as of hair, feathers, foliage, trees, etc.; as, a bald head; a bald oak. </p> <p> '''(5):''' (a.) Destitute of dignity or value; paltry; mean. </p> <p> '''(6):''' (a.) Undisguised. </p> <p> '''(7):''' (a.) [[Marked]] with a white spot on the head; bald-faced. </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_58398" /> ==
<p> [[Bald,]] a. bauld. </p> 1. Destitute of hair, especially on the top and back of the head. 2. Destitute of the natural covering as a bald oak. 3. Without feathers on the head as a bald vulture. 4. Destitute of trees on the top as a bald mountain. 5. Unadorned inelegant as a bald translation. 6. [[Mean]] naked base without dignity or value. 7. In popular language, open, bold, audacious. 8. Without beard or awn as bald wheat.
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_22538" /> ==
<p> (prop. קָרֵחִ, ''kare'ach,'' naturally bare of hair on the top or ''back'' of the head; Sept. φαλακρός; different was the גַּבֵּחִ, ''gibbe'ach,'' diseased loss of hair on ''forehead,'' &nbsp;Leviticus 13:41; Sept. ἀναφάλαντος )''.'' There are two kinds of baldness, viz., artificial and natural, The latter seems to have been uncommon, since it exposed people to public derision, and is perpetually alluded to as a mark of squalor and misery (&nbsp;2 Kings 2:23; &nbsp;Isaiah 3:24, "instead of well-set hair, baldness, and burning instead of beauty." </p> <p> &nbsp;Isaiah 15:2; &nbsp;Jeremiah 47:5; &nbsp;Ezekiel 7:18, etc.). For this reason it seems to have been included under the "scab" and "scurf" (&nbsp;Leviticus 21:20, perhaps i.q. dandruff), which were disqualifications for priesthood (Mishna, Berachoth, 7:2). In &nbsp;Leviticus 13:29 sq., very careful directions are given to distinguish the ''scall'' (בֹּהִק, bohak', freckled spot," &nbsp;Leviticus 13:39), described as "a plague (נֵגִע, ''ne'ga, stroke'' ) upon the head and beard" (which probably is the ''Mentagra'' of Pliny, and is a sort of leprosy), from mere natural baldness which is pronounced to be clean, v. 40 (Jahn, ''Bibl. Arch.'' 189). (See [[Leprosy]]). But this shows that even natural baldness subjected men to an unpleasant suspicion. It was a defect with which the [[Israelites]] were by no means familiar, since the [[Egyptians]] were very rarely subject to it, according to [[Herodotus]] (in, 12); an immunity which he attributes to their constant shaving. They adopted this practice for purposes of cleanliness, and generally wore wigs, some of which have been found in the ruins of Thebes. [[Contrary]] to the general practice of the East, they only let the hair grow as a sign of mourning (Herod. 2:36), and shaved themselves on all joyous occasions; hence in &nbsp;Genesis 41:44, we have an undesigned coincidence. The same custom obtains in China and among the modern Egyptians, who shave off all the hair except the shoosheh, a tuft on the forehead and crown of the head (Wilkinson, Anc. Egypt. 3, 359 sq.; Lane, Mod. Egypt. 1, ch. 1). Baldness was despised both among [[Greeks]] and Romans. In [[Homer]] (Il. 2:219) it is one of the defects of Thersites; [[Aristophanes]] (who was probably bald himself, Par, 767; Eq. 550) takes pride in not joining in the ridicule against it (Nub. 540). [[Caesar]] was said to have had some deformity of this sort, and he generally endeavored to conceal it (Suet. Caes. 45; comp. Dom. 18). </p> <p> Artificial baldness marked the conclusion of a Nazarite's vow (&nbsp;Acts 18:18; &nbsp;Numbers 6:9), and was a sign of mourning (Cic. ''Tusc. Disp.'' 3'','' 26). It is often alluded to in Scripture, as in &nbsp;Micah 1:16; &nbsp;Amos 8:10; &nbsp;Jeremiah 47:5, etc.; and in &nbsp;Deuteronomy 14:1, the reason for its being forbidden to the Israelites is their being "a holy and peculiar people" (comp. &nbsp;Leviticus 19:27, and &nbsp;Jeremiah 9:26, marg.). The practices alluded to in the latter passages were adopted by heathen nations (e.g. the Arabs, etc.) in honor of various gods. The Abantes and other half-civilized tribes shaved off the forelocks, to avoid the danger of being seized by them in battle (Herod. 2:36; 1:82). (See [[Hair]]). </p>
==References ==
==References ==

<ref name="term_58398"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/bald Bald from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_197475"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/wilson-s-dictionary-of-bible-types/bald Bald from Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types]</ref>
<ref name="term_90748"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/bald Bald from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_90748"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/bald Bald from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_197475"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/wilson-s-dictionary-of-bible-types/bald Bald from Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types]</ref>
<ref name="term_58398"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/bald Bald from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_22538"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/bald Bald from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_22538"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/bald Bald from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Revision as of 00:18, 13 October 2021

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [1]

 Deuteronomy 14:1 (a) Baldness in this Scripture would indicate that the people were opposed to GOD's judgments and GOD's dealings and would prove it to others by making themselves bald. (See also  Isaiah 22:12).

 Isaiah 3:24 (a) This is a sign that God had forsaken His people and left them to the will of their enemies. (See also  Jeremiah 47:5;  Isaiah 15:2;  Ezekiel 7:18).

 Jeremiah 16:6 (b) This is a type of despair in sorrow for which there is no remedy.

 Jeremiah 48:37 (b) This represents great sorrow and deep grief; the loss of the hair being used as a type of long, weary lamenting.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): (a.) Destitute of ornament; unadorned; bare; literal.

(2): (a.) Destitute of a beard or awn; as, bald wheat.

(3): (a.) Destitute of the natural covering.

(4): (a.) Destitute of the natural or common covering on the head or top, as of hair, feathers, foliage, trees, etc.; as, a bald head; a bald oak.

(5): (a.) Destitute of dignity or value; paltry; mean.

(6): (a.) Undisguised.

(7): (a.) Marked with a white spot on the head; bald-faced.

King James Dictionary [3]

Bald, a. bauld.

1. Destitute of hair, especially on the top and back of the head. 2. Destitute of the natural covering as a bald oak. 3. Without feathers on the head as a bald vulture. 4. Destitute of trees on the top as a bald mountain. 5. Unadorned inelegant as a bald translation. 6. Mean naked base without dignity or value. 7. In popular language, open, bold, audacious. 8. Without beard or awn as bald wheat.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [4]

(prop. קָרֵחִ, kare'ach, naturally bare of hair on the top or back of the head; Sept. φαλακρός; different was the גַּבֵּחִ, gibbe'ach, diseased loss of hair on forehead,  Leviticus 13:41; Sept. ἀναφάλαντος ). There are two kinds of baldness, viz., artificial and natural, The latter seems to have been uncommon, since it exposed people to public derision, and is perpetually alluded to as a mark of squalor and misery ( 2 Kings 2:23;  Isaiah 3:24, "instead of well-set hair, baldness, and burning instead of beauty."

 Isaiah 15:2;  Jeremiah 47:5;  Ezekiel 7:18, etc.). For this reason it seems to have been included under the "scab" and "scurf" ( Leviticus 21:20, perhaps i.q. dandruff), which were disqualifications for priesthood (Mishna, Berachoth, 7:2). In  Leviticus 13:29 sq., very careful directions are given to distinguish the scall (בֹּהִק, bohak', freckled spot,"  Leviticus 13:39), described as "a plague (נֵגִע, ne'ga, stroke ) upon the head and beard" (which probably is the Mentagra of Pliny, and is a sort of leprosy), from mere natural baldness which is pronounced to be clean, v. 40 (Jahn, Bibl. Arch. 189). (See Leprosy). But this shows that even natural baldness subjected men to an unpleasant suspicion. It was a defect with which the Israelites were by no means familiar, since the Egyptians were very rarely subject to it, according to Herodotus (in, 12); an immunity which he attributes to their constant shaving. They adopted this practice for purposes of cleanliness, and generally wore wigs, some of which have been found in the ruins of Thebes. Contrary to the general practice of the East, they only let the hair grow as a sign of mourning (Herod. 2:36), and shaved themselves on all joyous occasions; hence in  Genesis 41:44, we have an undesigned coincidence. The same custom obtains in China and among the modern Egyptians, who shave off all the hair except the shoosheh, a tuft on the forehead and crown of the head (Wilkinson, Anc. Egypt. 3, 359 sq.; Lane, Mod. Egypt. 1, ch. 1). Baldness was despised both among Greeks and Romans. In Homer (Il. 2:219) it is one of the defects of Thersites; Aristophanes (who was probably bald himself, Par, 767; Eq. 550) takes pride in not joining in the ridicule against it (Nub. 540). Caesar was said to have had some deformity of this sort, and he generally endeavored to conceal it (Suet. Caes. 45; comp. Dom. 18).

Artificial baldness marked the conclusion of a Nazarite's vow ( Acts 18:18;  Numbers 6:9), and was a sign of mourning (Cic. Tusc. Disp. 3, 26). It is often alluded to in Scripture, as in  Micah 1:16;  Amos 8:10;  Jeremiah 47:5, etc.; and in  Deuteronomy 14:1, the reason for its being forbidden to the Israelites is their being "a holy and peculiar people" (comp.  Leviticus 19:27, and  Jeremiah 9:26, marg.). The practices alluded to in the latter passages were adopted by heathen nations (e.g. the Arabs, etc.) in honor of various gods. The Abantes and other half-civilized tribes shaved off the forelocks, to avoid the danger of being seized by them in battle (Herod. 2:36; 1:82). (See Hair).
